[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

I’m behind by a lot :frowning:

It makes no sense for there to be a rotation and not being able to get a malefic core from every vision.

No, it’s not the same. If you came back near the end of legion your artifact weapon was auto magically super empowered after doing the quest chain. As in it was at max lvl equal to everyone elses.

You cant compare a cosmetic challenge to a required cloak.

ahh gotcha. So the higher up you get the easier it gets basically… at rank 8 I dont have enough sanity to last thru 4 bosses… but at higher ranks with more sanity you can basically do a full clear with out using a single orb… doesnt make much sense IMO

I’ve given up on ever getting caught up.


Mech and Naz i spent obsessive amounts of time in. I haven’t even done all the dailies ,etc in the new areas. Those who say no …blah blah bad player - I’ve played from launch on ONE toon for the most part …and I can’t even get her geared right so I’ve literally been doing mog runs and pet battles for a month. Thinking about not paying next months sub (and ive held one continuously since launch) THAT’S how confusing this whole mess is .

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Blizzard is so out of touch with their own game it’s unreal tbh

It’s like a 3rd party is developing for WoW now


there are sanity potions in the visions. sanity food you can eat every 3 mins. a second life (cheat death from sanity loss or actual death) ability in the tech tree. if you do enough damage and know where to go its doable. but not exactly easy. the major thing though is unlocking gift of the titans. *elite extermination. but odds are, if you haven’t been doing the dailies for the coins then you wont have what you need in time. lacking that you will have to do get 1st area done. eating where you can. sanity potions if you find them. orb when low clear second area. port back to main area. start 3rd area orb if needed. clear it use last orb in last area. and hope its enough.

1st zone no orb.
2nd zone 1 orb (might be start of zone)
3rd area orb 2.
4 area orb 3.
you likely wont make it to the final boss but you dont need it after you get to the point you are needing 4 pages.

Rotating availability. Needlessly complicated. You had to make a POST to tell people when things were available. GJ Blizz. Its the end of a crappy expansion, why are you dragging things out for us poor souls that are still paying you for this? Just put them all on at once, you sadists.

I get to wait 2.5 weeks (?) before the one I want comes up. Thanks.


"After analyzing hundreds of thousands of permutations on the most efficient path to empower Ashjra’kamas, MOTHER has shown Wrathion how to make Torn Pages more potent so you can upgrade your cloak to Rank 15 quicker. Now, each Rank up to Rank 15 can be achieved in a single Horrific Vision. For example, upgrading your Rank 13 cloak to Rank 14 now only requires 2 Torn Pages of “The Final Truth”.
Love the careful wording there. IT basically says until you get to Level 13 it takes 4 Torn pages to get one rank so your main Char who doesn’t need the upgrades has an easier time getting them but your Alts are Screwed because Blizzard hates alts.

Everyone loves that corruption does 99% of their damage anyway, let’s make it to 100%! I need a corruption multiplier, the ability to absorb my enemies corruption abilities AND add corrupted mount damage, think about it! It’s genius!

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Remember how it was before Activisin took over, before we lost basically all the original WoW community managers and devs and directors… I will make myself tear up if I reminisce too much.. miss you ghostcrawler…

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well, crap.

I came back at the start of June.
Guess I’ll just find something else to do.
Thanks for the heads-up!

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So does the page requirement only go down at ranks 13-15? I just logged on to upgrade my cloak because of this post and still need 4 pages to get to rank 9. Has the update not gone live yet or am I missing something?

Yea they screwed the newer players.

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shoulda made all of them available for purchase and got rid of time gating catching up on Corruption resistance. You guys love getting in your own way don’t you?

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At first I didn’t mind the rotation as an idea, but it’s kinda pointless when half the corruptions are useless and everyone is just waiting for TD :rofl:


Gating the maelfic cores is blizz stupidity at their best.By allowing players too recieve a core every vision run too catch up to current cap people would actually play more.
People would be logging all their Alts spamming the weeklys and dailys and other content to get vessels to run visions,therefore increasing this time played metric system.
As it is now i log my alts once do 1 run then dont bother,i play far less than if these cores werent gated.
Not everyone raids blizz,cores should not be locked this late into the xpac.

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Thank you for the info. I was just going off of the map showing the quarter the quest was ‘in’. Didn’t realize I was supposed to do anything else besides that area, well other than kill the boss.

If Blizzard truly cares about their players experience for the tale end of BFA, Please for the Love of all that is Holy… Remove the time gating on the +3 corruption resistance, allow us to farm as many malefic cores as we please each week, through Nzoth kills and Horrific visions. Not a single person in the history of any game has ever enjoyed any form of ‘Time-Gated’ Content. Just get rid of it. Nuff said.

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To this day, the only time-gating I actually enjoy is the start of an MMO expansion so that it encourages taking your time with the story instead of rushing. I’m talking about like 1-2 weeks before M+ starts, or more recently, when I played Shadowbringers for FFXIV and you had plenty of time to enjoy the MSQ and then experience initial end-game content before the grinding/loot lockouts started.

Time-gating past the initial launch of an expansion (and in the case of WoW, all throughout an expansion) is all-around a miserable though and feels lazy to me