[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Hi, you must be new here. Hello, Mr. Minority. I bet you applauds Blizzards perfect balance of corruption traits in PvP too and want them next expansion as well.

You’re retarded

I don’t PvP so sure, sad their mini game is broke but what can you do, right?

Well, you can start by not correlating Blizzard attempting to address their imbalances/improve their game in Shadowlands as pandering. That is a good start.

I think a better step would be to ignore the guy hiding on a classic alt, but what do I know :man_shrugging:

I am free to disagree with the direction of the game.

I am free to voice my opinion that the players who actually play the game consistently are not rewarded often and that such generous catch-up mechanics are bad for the over-all health of the game.

I am free to voice my opinion that the PvP population causes a large majority of the unrest and are wrong wanting a PvE focused game to cater around their side content.

And you are free to keep replying.

I’m going from 10-11 but still need 4 pages. Is this a change not implemented yet or something?

Well, I am glad we finally agree on something. :laughing:

I believe you get those 4 pages in one run cause all 4 zones drop one page of whatever you need.

Can we get a BoA vendor for specific pieces please?

People like you are the ones who make the most noise with their complaints. And you complain about others who are not asking for what you pretend they are asking for, don’t like what they’re getting, all the while more resources are continually funneled to you. But you’re never satisfied.

Please allow another means to get the bloody 6 weekly corruption resistance. I full clear of visions is easy enough to manage but clearing normal nyalotha every week is unappealing.

Allow us to get corruption resistance from capping 500 conquest a week.

Not your fault for being confused. Blizz was just too lazy to check when they made the change. They’re not technically wrong, because it is theoretically possible to get 4 pages in one run, by doing a full clear (zero mask) run. But who the f— is doing zero mask clears with cloak level 8 or whatever (and similarly incomplete titan research).


Yeah it does not make sense why a lower level rank would require more than a higher level rank? unless this system is not implemented yet which it does not state the date it starts?

oh it’s implemented already they just want to hold players on the mid ranks by gating mementos unless you play a DH.

Woo boy! I sure do love killing N’zoth every week with a group of randos to get +3 resistance!

Haha IKR, pugging randos as a tank for a Malefic Core is how I like to spend my weekends.

Malefic Cores should drop from other sources, not just Visions.

I farm visions n i do not agree that it should be capped on alts or mains that didn’t know they could get the 2 upgrades a week. should be able to as u say farm visions n get the cores to cap out.

I don’t get how you could ever think it would be a good idea to put in Visions of N’Zoth a instance that you have to do OVER AND OVER again it gets boring quick, at the very least you could have made one for more of the cities instead of just Stormwind and Orgrimmar I am very disappointed with this expansion just like Legion sadly Legion was somehow better because alting was possible when the artifact weapon catch up was implemented but this expansion you couldn’t learn from the past ;(

Oh wait did I also fail to mention that you failed to do anything about Hook Point loading screens? lmao what a joke a whole expansion with loading into games late and making everyone’s addons buggy