[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

You don’t need corruption or essences for Normal raiding.

You can be 460 ilvl in 2 days now. Through solo/ casual content.

If it takes you months to get into normal raiding, that is a you problem.

Please… If your cloak is up to date, there is no way you can call getting 1 core per week a grind… It is effortless to get the one per week. A grind would be someone continually doing uldum/vale dailies, minor visions, and mythics constantly to farm the necessary echoes and CVs to try to get 4-7 cores per week until up to max resist.

On my characters with max-resist cloaks, getting a core is at most 45 minutes of work: 1 major assault + 1 vision. Of course, my characters with up to date cloaks have 100k+ CVs. I do the assaults but haven’t touched a daily quest in weeks, unless its a super quick one to complete.

So much so that Ion Hazzikostas agreed with BFA’s alt friendly problem and is fixing it in Shadowlands. :roll_eyes:

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I disagree. The cloak quest is tuned around 425 ilvl and rank 3 essences, which are not available to a character without the cloak, even if their main had earned it before.

Having a lot of alts wasn’t common in the start because it was a huge time investment, I’m not sure when people started going crazy with alts tbh but it feels like either Cata or MoP. WoD is when it went way overboard and the economy is still suffering.

Accessibility is a slow poison, it’ll kill eventually… but in the meantime, profits!

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Certainly, but I was using the standard terminology of General Discussion.

I don’t consider unclocking Allied Races to be a “grind” either, but judging from the attitude of this forum, it’s a cardinal sin on Blizzard’s part.

Lack of access is the real killer.

dev’s asume everyone is a DH and never need the research so yeah…

also they kinda encourage the carry marketing cuz they get tokens for it.

This little guy was able to get the cloak just fine with no essences and some BoA gear, it’s not that hard.

So many profits that Blizzard stopped reporting their sub count, and is changing the things that you agree with. :clown_face:

Good for you. You’re fantastic, aren’t you!

Some people thrive on restrictions. They find having stuff taken away from them inspirational. /shrug

Rubbish. Remove head from *&^.

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If by a week you mean 168 hours played, maybe. A week of real time? Not a chance.

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I had 2 60s in vanilla, which was the longest time investment in terms of actual leveling.

In TBC I don’t recall exactly but I think I had at least 5 70s.

By MoP I’m pretty sure I had a max level of every class in the game. Not sure I always bothered to level them all every expansion. I know I did in Legion to get every mage tower.

WoD garrisons and Legion order halls were all about gold farming and didn’t require playing beyond the initial setups (which did require time investment) so I don’t really consider people’s garrison/order hall farms actually playing alts.

Admitting their profits are down so they need to start pandering now? Weird way to agree but sure, Feely~

Because realizing their profits are down so they are trying to fix their wrong doings to save their income is called pandering. :rofl:

At no time before nor since have my alts ever been so well-geared as they were from spending months standing at the mission table in their garrisons.

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Chasing profits is what killed the magic of the industry, just like the movies.

They are free to pad Bobby’s paycheck more but they know the more they water down their vision for accessibility eventually they’ll have tap water.

Hopefully they’ll stick to their guns with stuff like the covenant system but we’ll see.

Yes, they have finally caught on to the secret. Most vocal wow players want hello kitty adventure island. Time to pander and cash in.