[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

To the players who are ignoring my post about this growing issue:

If you have an alt who just hit Rank 15 Cloak starting today or are a returning player, it will now take 13 weeks (over 3 months) to catch up to players (and that is only if you can do a full vision clear and kill the raid boss N’Zoth for this week and every week that follows for your two Malefic Cores per week) who are actively keeping up with their Cloak’s Resistance. The cloak resistance cap is now +89 starting today. If your cloak resistance is rank 15 it is +50 corruption resistance. You would then need +39 corruption resistance to reach the cap of +89. 39 / 3 = 13 Malefic Cores (13 weeks for the one extra Malefic Core per week).

The power gap between your player base is widening each growing week. Soon, you will no longer be able to compete with the same numbers of others with more corruption traits than you. If you are now just returning to the game (e.g. you are a BFA veteran that took a break to enjoy Classic) or thinking about leveling that new char for end game, don’t bother unless Blizzard fixes this big issue ASAP. With pre-patch hitting not long after that.

For example, RIGHT NOW, someone now has the corruption to have another TD over someone else, and almost 2 TD ranks already and still be UNDER 40 corruption resistance . If you think that the DPS output of rank 2 TD does not matter over someone else for numbers, then you are truly mistaken. Imagine the number of TD’s someone will have for their DPS numbers over you, another 13 weeks from now. Game over man.

The legendary cloak came out in Patch 8.3 (which was on January 14, 2020). So players that played this expansion that are just returning from a 5 month break are screwed with an over 13+ week cloak catch up mechanic time gate as well since they will first have to grind out the Assaults every week or farm echoes for the Vessels for the Horrific Visions to grind their cloak to 15 before they can even start the Malefic Core catch up mechanic.

The only real solutions is to put Malefic Cores up on the vendor that you can buy with your echoes of ny’alotha or allow multiple full vision clears. People would still need to take the time and work to farm them, but it wouldn’t be locked behind an atrocious time gate any longer.

Additionally, I don’t understand the mindset of the people who are against this time gate issue who are saying this is a free handout. How about Blizzard puts the price for each Malefic Core (only +3 corruption resistance) on the vendor for a reasonably high price of echoes to buy only one. Unfortunately, I bet these same people will still consider it a hand out though. Grinding out echoes does take work. For example, if the price of one Malefic Core was 10k echoes. That would be 13 echoes to buy at 10k each (for a total of 130,000 echoes needed) to reach the current cloak resistance cap of 89.

Furthermore, to WOWs elite, the 1%'ers. If 130k echoes for casuals, to reach your current cloak cap, still seems like a hand out to you. How about we up the time gate for you and Activation Blizzard’s revenue quota. “Would having to buy the Vessel off the vendor and then having to full clear your Horrific Visions runs to get a Malefic Core for each full clear that you complete instead of only being able to do one per week (until you are caught up to the cap of 13 Malefic Cores needed currently) satisfy you?”

P.S. Due to Blizzards cloak catch up post today that blatantly ignored the issues with this Malefic Core time gate, we should consider getting the 99% (of their monthly subscribers) together to create a petition on the Change organization so the higher ups will actually have a chance to listen to the issues. Maybe it is wishful thinking, but it is worth a shot. Spread the news throughout Azeroth. And start tweeting to WarcraftDevs and Ion Hazzikostas on Twitter before it is to late.


No. They’re chores because of the constant pace you’re required to do them to “keep up.”

For example, first win of the day bonuses in PvP make them feel like chores. If you simply gave the same max total bonus amount weekly and you could simply play them whenever you wanted they would feel less like chores. Just a slight difference in how you do them can make a significant difference in how it feels to players.

Daily activities are the worst. Weekly activities can become tedious as well, but any activity that is more open ended in when you can do it will feel less like a chore and not be as big of a fun killer.

edit: this also applies to cape catch up. We’ve suggested just removing the keys and time gates and let us do it whenever we want. We’d have to do as many runs as anyone else, but we’d no longer be limited to the once a week chore that it is now. Yet some of you are so… whatever it is that’s wrong with you that even letting us do the same amount of work to catch up at our own pace rather than being time-gated is somehow a problem.

If I was a new/returning player and found out I need to grind for 4 months, doing dailies, assaults, visions, keystones, getting echos, raids mementos, RNG bs, etc. I’d probably play another game/wait till the next expansion because that is a lot of unsatisfying busy work.

I personally think its fine to not have too much catch up for new/returning players so those that stick with the game feel like what they got during the expansion matters BUT what I absolutely dislike is that playing an alt suffers from this as well. I used to love playing WoW so much that in Legion I could manage 7 alts and now even though I still have the same amount of time to play WoW during legion now in BFA I can only manage 2. If I try to gear/catch up on another alt right now I am just going to pass out or switch games.

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No change to cores for cloak upgrading is disappointing.

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I am a bit confused here, if rank 13-14 only costs 2 pages then why does rank 8-9 9-10 cost 4?

He had to call in a 120 hunter to help him kill me.

I am seeing the same thing. I am rank 8 and to get to rank 9 I have to turn in 4 pages. Blizzards post says we should be able to complete each rank in 1 horrific vision until you hit 13. Am I understanding it wrong?

So… doing bgs for no bonus whenever you want is fun and exciting. But doing a battleground for a bonus is a chore? Ok.

Sounds 100% like a player problem.

And yet people still defend this disaster.

Can you imagine recommending BFA to a new player now, and them coming back to you at 120 asking what they are supposed to do to get into raiding?


WoD is considered the disasater.

The same things new players have done for the last 16 years. You don’t need bis essences/ corruption to get into raiding. You weren’t bis in a month in bc or wrath either.

Most of your posts sound 100% like comprehension problems.


I 100% understand that you feel it is blizzard’s job to control how you think. Players did bgs for years with no bonuses.

But suddenly, blizzard adds a daily bonus for one win and now bgs are a “chore.”

Which is odd, because if they took the daily bonus away, you would then complain about how they are extending the “grind.”

So you’d recommend BFA now, for a new player?

The thing about disasters: there can be more than one.

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Yea, you missed most of the point of that post.

So they say that it should be one vision per cloak rank, but I keep leveling up ranks 8 and 9 and they each take two visions per rank on my alts. Am I doing something wrong?

Not everyone considers wod to be “the disaster”. It was way short on content. But you were able to gear up and be a contributing player in a couple of days.

Sure. You can pay for a carry or hire a work group of “friends” to carry you. With no essences you’re doing legion raiding.

Peopel don’t want a solution, they don’t care that long term players who stay caught up aren’t rewarded, they care more about degrading the game to an account based system where they can just roll the latest FotM and walk into a raid or arena instantly.

It’s not about character or RPG elements any longer it’s about an growing amount of accessibility for a seemingly insatiable crowd, a crowd that is further divided by PvP only players who want everything to be “balanced” to an oppressive degree, spiting the core of the game.


Not really. You just don’t like the reality

Depends on the new player’s goal. Casual game play? Yes. They can be 120 and 460 ilvl with R2 essences and serviceable corruption in less than a week.

They want to pretend to be world first raiders in a week? No, WoW is not the game for them.

The fact that you could reach max level and be competitive in 2 days is because it was short on content…

You can’t have it both ways.

No. Most people who like to play a lot of alts don’t care about FotM. We just enjoy playing multiple classes more than sticking to one character.

It’s weird because having a lot of alts was never really that hard to keep up on until Legion-BfA where they added dozens of chores and infinite grinds.

Altoholics had an easier time in older WoW expansions.

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Lie much?

I never said you could be competitive in 2 days. I said you got “starter gear” in 2 days.

If you think that new players who want to do normal raiding should be kept from it for months, it’s clear why there’s a problem with elitism in the game.

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