[UPDATED JANUARY 24] Dragonflight: 10.0.5 Content Update Notes

Someone told me the trading post won’t be open until Feb 1st but I have no idea I just can’t wait for it

I just favorite a dragonriding mount, flying mount, and ground mount. Then use summon favorite, which will automatically use the right mount for the zone. It also dismounts if you are already mounted.

Is this not what you’re trying to accomplish?

The max Dt rapid fire could do is between 175k to 200k and that’s only it you stack crit and versatility … if 200k one shotes you… your pvp ilvl if far far below 396

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How about fixing the climbing and Field of Ferocity quests. Inconsistently broken (sometimes yes sometimes no) since before launch…



Also, notice the two people posting about DT + RF being a “one tap” aren’t even level 70, and are talking about it in organized PvP. Meaning, they could be complaining that a level 69 “one tapped” a 61.

Yeah it’s not a horrible thing for us not even a a big rotation change it’s just one less gcd to be in the way of shots but they should have just took it out of pvp and let pve use it it’s will be 100k less dps every 1.5 min

Thanks so much, Blizz!

why repoert bug if you wont fix them

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Yeah they should get some damage boost and better aoe

frost got some damage increases…


/froths at the mouth

I would honestly switch to horde for those gorgeous armor sets, love nightborne.

I have to agree with you here. Everyone saying how Alt friendly the patch is because of the bonus on the renown when 1 hits 20 but in reality every alt has to grind this renown for their professions. I don’t feel it’s alt friendly at all, in fact it is the other way.
And professions? Ugh it will be the first expac that I don’t level them all, can’t get to max. If this is what professions will be like going forward I’ll be changing to gathering where I can make back some of the gold I have spent trying to level these professions.

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Hopefully we see more brewmasters they needed this buff sooo damn bad… Looking forward to seeing you guys back in action we have missed yall

I’m excited for the updates listed, but…

Is anyone at Blizzard ever going to pay attention to the guild screens? Yes, I understand that Guildmasters are the only ones that complain, so that doesn’t drive up the numbers for a bug to be “noticed”. But seriously, the sort by “time logged out” option has been broken for two years now - it broke the second week of SHADOWLANDS and is still broken. In addition, Dragonflight has added the problem of the scroll bar resetting your screen anytime ANYTHING happens. For example, if anyone logs in, an achievement is earned, or any changes are made to rank, notes, etc… the scroll bar jumps back to the beginning of the list. When you’re working on guild member 550 of a 1,000 member guild, and then suddenly the scroll bar jumps back to the beginning, it’s seriously annoying!

And yes, we know that the old screen command /groster is a current workaround for both issues… but should we as players have to use a workaround for TWO YEARS because guilds get no love?

rant over


Is there actually an addon for this?

Not a single shred of actual new content. Sad.

You’re right. Not long though, not really.

I’m pretty sure Craftsim does this. Plus it calculates all variables, like multi-craft/resourcefulness procs etc., to calculate if the craft is profitable or not. Without it, or doing tons of math, I wouldn’t be able to tell if most things are worth it to craft and sell. Best new add-on of Dragonflight IMO

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I really hate having to gamble on whether I need T2 or T3 mats for a T5 item so I’ll give Craftsim a look, thanks!

You can use simulation mode to see what you would get with various quality mats. It also tells you the best profession equipment to use and a ton more. The author adds new features nearly every few days