[Updated Aug. 27] Get the Shadowlands Collector’s Edition

Up another 20 bucks, I don’t see anything special in the box that justifies that, but the worst part is that in the EU Gear Store it’s listed for $165.

I’m hoping that’s a typo, or it does not bode well for us over here. This happened with BFA as well, your local distributor tried to fleece us to the bone, fortunately I was able to get it at a more reasonable price from another retailer, but I shouldn’t have to.

I was thinking this might be a part of your deal to not compete with local retailers, but the US Gear Store lists the CE at $119,99, so I guess not.


$120 and you still don’t even get a CD it’s all now a Digital Soundtrack Key


Yeah, it’s a shame. The last few editions have cut a lot of physical content, but still increased prices.


on top of that if you are upgrading they don’t discount the price for what you already paid forward, they give you a Blizzard Balance equivalent, so you are locked in for shelling out ALL of that cash.

GG Shady Blizz Marketing

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Not buying even SL until blizz made covenant easily swappable.

Covenant lock is the disaster that will ruin SL.

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That didn’t take long - https:// www.amazon. com/gp/product/B08CLPVVHR/

Amazon UK has it for £109,99, better than the gearstore, but still too much. GBP are worth a lot more than USD, why should we play more GBP than USD?

I expect to pay more, regional differences and all that, but not this much!
It’s got nothing to do with shipping costs as none if it is made in the US.

With the current situation dollar prices are already pretty high in my country so I was expecting to pay more than usual this time around, but this on top of that will make it even worse.

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Waiting for Best Buy

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I miss when they where only $70


at this rate you’ll be paying what the vanilla box goes for soon

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I got anniversary ones for 79 with 20 percent discount. A fairer price.

Paying TWICE as much for half the contents, typical Activision.

the 15th anniversary one was an anomaly, and a true limited edition. every other Boxed CE has been available forever. preorders “sell out” but are then back at regular price a day or two after launch. you can still get a BfA CE right now and i think for cheaper than it was.

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Missed your reply initially, but thank you for posting the link. For some reason doing a normal search for warcraft shadowlands collections edition only provided past collectors boxes. :slight_smile:

So we won’t get credited until we actually get the collector’s edition in hand? Doesn’t that screw people who buy it, since it proly wont be here day of release, so they wont be able to play on release?

Most places are pretty good about getting into your hands on the day of release.

Artbook again is great(can we get a BFA artbook somewhere please, even just sold online?), rest is pretty lackluster, and Oof that price. $180 here, no thankyou.

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On Amazon search for

shadowlands collectors edition

Gamestop has you make a selection out of four options.

Both are the same price as on here.

Pre-Ordered. The Anniversary Collectors box got me addicted to these. This will be my first one for an expansion!

I have an estimated arrival of 1/11. I hope that changes.