[Updated 11/4] November’s Trading Post is Out of this World

Ya’ll need to be more consistent. This month’s items are overwhelmingly disappointing. You’re not going to entice people to log on with items like these. And like others have said, the reward should always be a mount.

I’m grateful I get to save some tender this month. :grin:

People are forgetting these are FREE for just playing the game so ofc certain months will be better than others. If this month isn’t great cool just save up for the next no need to complain about it. When it comes down to it Free or Paid people will complain no matter what I guess.


Yee Haw! Cowboy hats!

I want a lot of those, but too bad I only make a certain amount of tenders per month.

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But you only get a specific amount of tenders each month, I think that’s why people have an issue with it.

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Wanna just swap this for something good and not a quest green?



Very disappointed with the cosmic weapons. Not sure what’s “cosmic” about them. I’ve seen other games do that theme so much better. Just look at the the Astralaria axe from GW2, as an example.


cosmic in wow just means tentacles and old gods

This month’s signature items indicate that the rumors of next expansion be true? It suggests to be focused on the Titans, which these weapons have a significant look of being inspired by them.

I’m annoyed the pink staff is locked to monk. >:(

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anyone happen to know for sure if getting one of the spectral gryphon/wind rider will reward the other for the opposite faction?

cause i know the scroll of resurrection awarded both: gryphon for alliance and wind rider for horde.
if it doesn’t work the same that’ll be Messed Up

Idk that blood transmog set was :fire:

I guess that Night Elf in the pic wasn’t feeling it today.

Hmm maybe the warlock armor, certainly the monk ones, but only weapons I may grab is the warrior ones and that’s only because of the gilneas theme so I can make a worgen warrior later on to use the sword and shield… rest I don’t care too much for. Still waiting to see how the warden armor looks when I can finish that achievment. If the warden garb from the achievment is NE only I’ll be quite cross with Blizz as that’d be BS as the mount wasn’t limited that way so the armor shouldn’t be either

Few months back when they had the Alabaster mounts on the Trading post you had to buy both of them in order to have one for each side where as years back when it was given to player for award we got both …and it lists both the Spectral with a price quote too of how many tenders you need for each one…

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Not alot for mages, cool staff tho

How did you get it previously?

Out of this world alright… Out of this mind as well.
3 mounts in one month??

Recruit a friend mount that they cycled out presumably because it was ugly/unpopular.

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Maybe ill bank it until i see the model in-game.