Update on Asmongold?

Actually I didnt lolol. But I plan on using this guy as a main eventually lol.

I just don’t like the trolls that think its cool to not like people and hate people who do like them. He’s just as bad as the people he’s referring too.

Hating OR liking someone doesn’t take effort. It just happens naturally like getting sea sick. Showing hate takes effort, but not any more than showing that you like someone.

I get what youre saying, but he gets his wow experience from playing wow same as everybody here. Now if he worked at blizz as a wow dev that would be different.

I have no problem with him, more like when these kinds of threads pop up, some posters are making Asmongold’s opinions seem like they matter the most and we must follow his way of thinking because he’s rich from playing WoW.


Kinda curious why that matters? Do you assume that since the posting character is low-level that the post is somehow less valid?

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This is silly. If you go through my posts not just here but everywhere else you’ll notice that I am quite civil during discussions. I would say good attempt to belittle me but it wasn’t. /clap

Does civility include these little passive-aggressive barbs?


Nah, just when people post on different alts to troll others. That would make a post less valid.

Regardless, these people are just as bad as asmondgolds community anyways.

Oh bro. “Poast on ur mainz!” went out back in Vaniila. I’ve been posting on TW longer than most people have been playing WoW. Why would I change?

(except if i switch to my tablet. The new forums are wonky)


As it happens, I’ve known Thunderwulf for years. That is the character he has posted on exclusively for at least the last decade, probably longer.


The way you find out that answer without advertising in the forums for him is to go check his streams and youtube channel. C’mon Ameliannex; you’re too smart to believe we were not going to see advert in your question. :frowning:


wow is so bad he is streaming different games now.instead of wow all stream he plays for like an hour then goes off to dark souls.

cant blame him wow is just plain bad,


His Dark Souls playthroughs are pretty funny.


For the record, I’m pretty sure thunder is like one of the oldest posters around (like been around since forever, not age)? Extremely active if I remember correctly and always on that toon so it’s not a matter of hiding.


Well that’s just going too far. I think the rest of us will pass.

That’s because he plays a role when he’s on camera but frankly, that makes him even more slimey to me. I watched him once and then was over it and this was long before BfA. It wasn’t his blizzard bashing (because there wasn’t any) but his over all demeanor.

Too bad he goes for exploiting an audience that loves shock jock behavior rather than just be himself.

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I wish I had an upvote to give you.


TBH I really don’t like Asmongold or the his fanbase, but I’m really confused why the OP was flagged. The OP isn’t vulgar, rude or trollish.

That being said, if Asmongold quits WoW that will be a bonus for me if his fanbase pipes down.

How does that keep him from being a degenerate?

Because GD doesn’t like him since he’s shilled for often.