This is why we get “news” stories about celebrity’s opinions in politics. “Dude, that one actor/actress was in that totally cool movie so like what they have to say matters.”
If an actor talks about acting or Hollywood you normally listen because it’s pretty apparent they have more information than we do
When Asmon talks about WoW it’s good to at least know he’s got an idea of what he’s saying
People keep saying everyone opinion is as valid as everyone elses but I don’t believe that for a second. I don’t go and ask people for cooking advice because they’ve watch Jamie Oliver and cook a meal every night, I ask a chef
I’ve used a couple of his solo guides. Pretty spot-on and helpful.
IINM, he lives at home because one, or both of his parents are not doing well. So not only is he there if they need something, but he manages to make a little scratch playing WoW.
Yes, but the problem is when those HIGHLY uneducated people leave the safety of their hollyweird bubble and begin to discuss world affairs as if they had clue one what is going on outside their sycophantic little world.
Asmongold isn’t really analytical like Preach or Bellular but more a gut feeling, off-the-cuff personality. He obviously makes it work for him given his huge Twitch following. He even has a straight man/sidekick.
One can only hope so that you asmonsheeps can go piddle off to some other games forums.
is it so hard to believe that some people may share his views?
As usual this has degenerated very quickly into a thread bashing the guy and the entire point is being missed: A massive fanboy quit playing the game and is saying it isn’t fun anymore and this expansion is a mess, and he’s now playing and streaming other games.
ATM he’s streaming Dark Souls and his viewer numbers have gone up. It isn’t just Asmon who is fed up with the state of WoW. That should be what we are looking at, not focusing on one streamer.
In recent news… 7 year old youtuber made 22 million.
Then go make a reddit post or something, the majority of forum users here don’t give crap about him and you’re not supposed to advertise streamers here anyway. Seriously, go away.
In all fairness though the OP didn’t offer any thoughts on the state of the game or anything, it’s just literally a thread about the one streamer in question.
I do agree though about not focusing on wow personalities and discussing the game as intended.
who is this as-man and why is he gold?
He is opinionated, at least on his streams. Opinionated people often have ‘followers’ or ‘haters’. Meeting him briefly probably wouldn’t give you enough of a taste to discover that about him.
He never ever said he was quitting wow. He made it VERY VERY CLEAR he would never quit or stop streaming it. He’s just playing dark souls and POE.
Good thing I’m not advertising him.
I’m discussing him.
I’m not the one sitting here hating someone I don’t really know and just hating him because he has a personality
pretty nuts he could get so popular with out even attempting to try to make people like him, they just like him because he shoots from the hip
You are literally advertising him right now by talking about him. As am I, so bye now. Thread gonna get soon anyway.
Way to void your point and prove you’re not capable of civil discourse either. Darn, dudebro. You were so close.
Can people hate him for making fun of forum posters who have nothing to do with him even though he doesn’t know them either?
What about dragging his flock to a high pop server and causing lag in certain zones for hours needlessly?
It’s pathetic that people can’t post on their main character…
You do realize you’re posting on a level 45 mage, right?
If they must, seems like a waste of effort to me