Update : 58 boost (huge changes)

By the way, I found all the boosted gear has the communal tag, so it was easy to find on wowhead

Personally I think casters are pretty bad off, no spellpower at all.

lol the bracers have less int than lvl 30 bracers but chest and legs are packed pretty nicely with int, wonder what the design philosophy was like there…

Probably beta still being beta.

One of the weapons has a whopping 25 dps. Doubt that’ll make it to live.

I like an introduction for boosts, and I like what they’ve done with TBC. The last thing is drums.

The boosted gear is pretty garbage. However you can replace it very very quickly with good quest gear with outland stats in a few hours of play. Hellfire will put you in tier 1 level gear, without the hit rating, but you don’t really need it as the mobs are generally not 3+ levels higher than you.

There’s some legitimately good items in HFP alone. A quest chain trinket (Bladefist’s Breadth) is almost pre-BiS until you get some heroic/badge pieces.

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Absolutely. My lock has replaced some T1/ZG with the quest gear.

I’ll be taking a near-fresh 60 Shaman into it, so pretty much everything in the dungeons (as I’m going to try and take time off and purely dungeon grind with my guild) will be an upgrade. I will try and see if I can at least grind the honour for two R14 weapons as they’re really good, but the rest will be pieces I’ve found along the way for the most part.

The second time through, either on the Paladin I’m leveling now or this Rogue, will really benefit though! It was quite nice the first time through seeing how much better designed and itemized TBC was.

Just to people who hate TBC I suppose.

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imagine being mad about a tutorial for a boost lmao


ah yes a tutorial for a boost is going to make tbc a dumpster fire, that isnt a hyperbole at all

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Pfff… if you’re not grinding orange or red mobs, you’re not doing it right.

I’m pretty stoked.

It makes me wonder what real adversity, if any, these folks have experienced.


They walked uphill through the snow both ways AND SO SHOULD YOU YOU ENTITLED KID!!!

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OMG I was half hoping you’d be spouting off here.

I remember specifically you saying that Blizzard would never be adding the boosts in and would back down and listen to “the community” (ie you).

I said not a chance and I was looking forward to saying I told you so.

Well, at the risk of jumping the gun, here we are. TOLD YOU SO.


Depends on the class, too. Rogue/warrior, not a fun time. It’s ok until you outlevel your classic raid gear, then it’s a slog.

Ironically, Blizzard did listen to the community with the boosts. The anti-boosters are such a small minority that it makes more sense to add the boost than it does not to.

I’d argue that the raid gear gives them enough of an edge until 70 that it’s fine, for the most part. The gear is only really replaced by that point if they’re in BiS or near-BiS.

That’s also assuming they’re questing and not grinding dungeons. I can’t imagine many hardcore raiders will be questing, it’s just going to be death and lines.

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Oh, that was sarcasm. My bad.

was the gear they start with even an issue? From what I remember a green “branch of poking” from a quest was orders of magnitude better then even epics from the old world. An hour in, they’ll probably be in all new gear.

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I agree Eolorn, One of my mains in original TBC was a mage I never ran through raids. I mean zero raids on the mage, just quest gear or dungeon blues and for one, he had no issues in Outlands and was able to quest and run Ramparts without issues. And by the time he was out of Hellfire, most if not all the gear I started TBC with was replaced.

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