Update : 58 boost (huge changes)

Yep, I bet you never once went to thottbot, or wowhead, or youtube did ya? You so pro!!!

my proposal to the boost, same thing on the player and business side to a degree, actually good for social interaction and leveling alts, and inspiring the hearts of players <3 Please help me with this! TBC Arena Realm Championship? - WoW Classic / The Burning Crusade Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Leave that argument in the 100s of other threads you’ve copy/pasted it in. The fact that there are non-Blizzard provided resources for the game is the exact reason for Blizzard not to assume we’re all incapable of working the game out. The people who aggregated all that information were innovative and resourceful members of the player base who created those sites when there was nothing to go on but a printed guide and player experience. Ion Hazzikostas got his job at Blizzard for being one of those people. You might be happy to settle with the bigotry of low expectations, but I’m not. In my experience, WoW players are some of the most creative, dedicated, and intelligent gamers out there. But since I am posting on these forums, the vast majority of present company not included.

Yea, sorry mate, first time I ever wrote that sentence.

But more power to you. After all, you are PRO

You’ve posted in several other threads using similar tactics to try and invalidate points of view you’re opposed to. I mean, if you’re going to try and say that you haven’t formed that exact sentence before, you might be technically correct. But the intention behind your comment is the same as it’s been in the numerous other threads you’ve given your opinion in. Maybe you can try forming an argument against my point of view instead of just trying to pin me as an elitist. I happen to think most WoW gamers are smarter than your average consumer, you don’t seem to agree.

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All right, here we go.

That is completely 100% your opinion and perspective. While not wrong, it’s also not correct for everyone. You seem to not grasp that there are other players in the world who do not think or do things like you.

You made a blanket statement without backing up your reasons for saying this. Again, this is YOUR perspective and not everyone’s.

And there is the crux as to why I find it hard to engage in any kind of discourse with people who go around thinking others who do not fit their mold are. . how did you put it? Oh yes. . Smooth brained.

Save me the arguments and bluster. When you get quick responses that point squarely at your ineptitude to even empathize with anyone else but yourself then that is what you will get.

Now, I say this in the humblest way possible while tipping my hat to you.

Good day sir

Stop wasting your time with that clown. Hes baiting you. Just report for trolling.

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Thank you for an actual response.

First of all, everything short of a blue post on these forums is an opinion. But this is the sentiment I’ve seen from the vast majority of players since as far back as WotLK on these forums and in-game. That’s 12yrs of people complaining that Blizzard thinks we’re all children and need our hands held through every aspect of the game. You can argue that the forums and the majority of a single server doesn’t represent everyone, but catering to the minority or the individual tends to be the argument of the #nochanges crew and from what I can tell you’re not one of them. And how far do you go before accommodating the “players in the world who do not think like” me begins to alienate the ones that do? Blizzard can’t please everyone, myself included, and yet they still try as hard as they can to appeal to the broadest possible audience without taking into account those of us that are already here and satisfied with the game. I get it, it’s good business if your goal is to make money. But at one point Blizzard cared about brand loyalty and it’s fandom.

This was not a blanket statement about anything. This was a comment directly stating how I felt about that aspect of my experience in Cata, hence the “I” at the beginning of the sentence that you failed to quote.

And this is crux when trying to understand why you don’t make effective arguments. You either intentionally misrepresent what you have read or you simply fail to comprehend it. I didn’t use “smooth brain” as a pejorative. It was simply a convenient term to express the current level of difficulty posed by WoW. Again, I’m sure you’re going to try and argue that there are a handful of players that don’t share that opinion, and again I point out that even from a business stand point, should Blizzard be pandering to that minority?

And yet another instance of you trying to claim some kind of moral superiority by falsely accusing me of a lack of empathy, while totally disregarding the fact that I think the WoW player base has more competency and experience than you seem to think they do. Maybe you should take a minute to reflect on who the real elitist is here. And just for the record, I suffer from mental and developmental issues and I may need assistance with a lot of things, but I don’t need you to rescue me from the difficulty of video games. And that’s going to be pretty much the standard reaction you get from most people like me. You’re not a hero, championing the cause for those less adept as you. And I know you probably didn’t specifically have us in mind when you made your comment, but I’m pretty confident most people don’t like being pandered to because they pick up pretty quickly that it’s typically disingenuous and just comes off as condescending. Much like your last couple of statements.

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Bricklethumb has given me no reason to suspect they are a troll based on this particular interaction or any in the past. We just disagree and that’s not something I’m going to report them for.


Respect for recognizing that. I wish more people were like you.

So much internet discourse is tainted by reductively labelling everyone who disagrees as a shill, troll, or some other perjorative. That’s not discourse, it’s looking for a bubble that agrees with you.


On this we can agree.

Thank you Tihocan.

Much real respect my friend


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