Update : 58 boost (huge changes)

Well there is your first problem, you follow streamers…

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But who else is supposed to do their thinking for them?

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It still surprises me that people can watch a Youtube video by someone that has no more insight or expertise than they do, but treat it like gospel.

Or think that because a streamer’s followers or comments lean one way, they speaks for the majority.

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And not realize these people mostly only care about clicks and views, so they take highly polarized positions on controversial issues as they have no interest in providing objective points of view.


Do I? No, for me, youtube is where I watch history documentaries and stumbling across some ancient aliens conspiracy because their algorithm is crap. That’s about it.

You know what the hardcore community that pushed for Classic to be made wants. First you make a ridiculous accusation about only gold sellers don’t want boosts. Now you go off about streamers leading them by the nose. You know what the hardcore community that pushed for Classic to be made wants.

I remember you arguing against Classic even being made in the first place. Assuming you are on both mmochamp and here under the same name? I didn’t need someone else’s opinion all those many years ago when they shut down Nost and that discussion thread and I still don’t now.

It does mystify me though, why you all are so intent on wrecking it. Why spend all that time at every stage trying to undermine the game? You have retail the way you want it, right?

No I didn’t, I always said I would play classic if it happened.

Who made that accusation, when did I make that statement?

I’ll let you argue semantics by yourself.

Maybe if I had the amount of time some of the retail forum trolls do, I might go dig up that years old thread and recheck who it was replying to me.

How about you look into reading comprehension.

Players doing mage boosting for gold, is a seriously LOOOOOOG way from being a gold-seller.

You’re trying to split hairs between the 2 forms of illict activities people complain about the most. You threw a blanket insult out, and followed it with another.

That is arguing semantics. Don’t see a single constructive thought here.

Heh, there’s a non trivial difference between buying/selling gold which is explicitly against the ToS and mage boosting which regardless of how you feel about it is completely legitimate right now.


Yes, yes, you all are clearly the ones being defamed here. The evil botters are being whipped into a frenzy by streamers to not see the logic of you accurately describing them.

A player offering to run you through Stockages for 15g for 5 runs is completely legal and not against the ToS.

Buy gold for real money is a ToS violation.

This is not splitting hairs, it is two different activities, one legal by the ToS and one that will get you banned.

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You ignore the community here and its opinions.
You instead characterize it as some strange group that suddenly popped up out of nowhere.
You insult them and add little to the conversation.
You complain that your insult wasn’t repeated exactly to code.
Do you look back at your posts and see anything likely to convince people here to change their mind?

If you get this beat up over pixels in a game, you may want to take a step back from this and take a walk or something.

I can no longer help you my son, you must seek guidance elsewhere…

I feel just fine, thanks for asking. I am simply repeating back to you what you are posting.

can we skip that garbage?


You make some silly statements.

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I’m glad there’s a boost and I’m making a 2nd character of my main class so I can play with different specs for the class I want to play.
@haters, go somewhere else.

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