Update : 58 boost (huge changes)

The company has many workers who still have families to feed.
Not to mention they didn’t have to release the classic versions. They did anyways. Now they have to fund it.

Please everyone get over your own selfish wants and needs. This is a company not your GF (that is not real.) they don’t have to bend over backwards to please you. They just have to please a majority and they are.


I played a little BFA while waiting for Classic. Once Classic launched, I quit retail. It’s been uninstalled for over a year, and I don’t plan to buy Shadowlands.

Right, that is indeed the sentiment conveyed by an incredulous “… Have none of you guys used a boost in retail before?”

If you’re awarding yourself points you already have them all, of course; if you’re expecting me to, you’ll be waiting a long time.

Oh, I’m just bored waiting for my coffee to finish brewing, I don’t want anything out of you.

Strangers don’t admit they should have known things on the internet that were readily available the whole time. Well, most of them. There was that one orc earlier in the topic who was pretty cool.

Coffee’s done. Have a nice day.


Yes, I’m sure they made a fortune sneaking in that free 3/4 of a level into the 58 boost. ??

I can assure you, with 100% certainty, that classic wow has made more than enough money to pay for its development, without the need for any extra bells or whistles.

How can I be 100% certain, you ask?

Because TBC classic is being made.

Also, I think we all know where this “extra money” is actually going to end up, and it’s almost certainly not going to be the pockets of the developers.

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Let me compile the demands into one large one so far

What people seem to want is the following

Fresh, totally new servers
No boosts on these servers
No bots (good luck)
No way to transfer character with any prior xp, gold or progress
No way to transfer off these realms

This is the demands compiled that is the experience they want, a totally devoid echo chamber comprised of anyone who agreed with them.

You forgot one thing. They’re also demanding,

-Anyone who disagrees with any of the above to be hung, drawn, and quartered both in game and IRL.

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Oh man the projected insults are insane. You think you spit on their dog or something.

The more I see posts and thread against the boost, the more it seems the real reason they want the boosts to go away is greed, pure, simple greed.

They are one of the players running boosting runs for gold right now and they do not want their cash cows taken away. They see TBC Classic as a fresh new batch of suckers ready to buy their boosting services and the 58 Boosts kills their plans.

But, hey I could be wrong, I just call them how I see them. It is the only logical reason I can come up with at this point.

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My god like some guy said in the comment from that link.

Blizzard substantiated adding boosts because people wanted to play with their friends. It stands to reason, then, that new player friends would teach them the basics. Why do we need these retail-era intro quests?


How dare you post that with no cliff notes or summary.

Ban this person ASAP.

Did you forget that classic also has intro quests? And tips that pop up?

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That was only one part of it.

It was also being marketed towards new players who would be joining the game being able to jump into the new content.

A new player wouldn’t have friends too show them the ropes.

LOL WHAT did you think before posting this?? a WRONG opinion? You clearly do not understand what an opinion is. My point has been proven over the past 15 years. You are not here to make a point, you’re just here to argue because you are mad IRL.

If you can provide undeniable proof that I’m wrong, let me know.

Sorry. Don’t follow. What’s the huge change?

Did they announce if its one boost per Bnet or one per account yet?

Quite possibly the dumbest thing I have read on these forums, and since the boost has become the topic de jour there have been some dumb things said. ActiBlizz, famous for cutting employees while making record profits, famous for being called out by their staff for subpar pay, for Bobby Kotick’s bonuses, who have skirted the p2w line in games that aren’t even f2p, that ActiBlizz is going to pay their employees more if they can extract even greater profit from one of the few mmo’s that still requires a monthly subscription???

Oh wait! There’s heavy competition here. You mean to tell me, the community that wanted #nochanges, that follows streamers reading epics about how flawed this is, that regularly point to boosts and the cash shop as the point where retail went wrong and extoll its (relative) absence as a virtue in the older releases of the game - that community is really being lead by the nose by secret, nefarious gold sellers??

Also, having to relevel characters is one of the primary costs to gold sellers and boosters. They do eventually get caught. Adding a paid boost only shortens the cycle and increases their profits. But then I guess we need tokens?

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