$15 as it was back when you sold cards worth $30 for 2months anything above that is pure scam and I shall eat your soul.
Embrace your end as it is nigh.
Guild wars 2 is free and content rich. Thanks for nada.
Scummiest part about it is they’ve done this right after their expansion sale.
That’s basically a big ,/, to Oce consumers
adter this blizzard be at 500k subs
After my time runs out, I won’t be resubbing. I won’t be able to afford the sub.
Disappointed but not surprised.
the difference in price could buy you a lot of other games, or not subbing could buy you a lot of extra games? because only one of those is true lol
I don’t like the price increase but at the end of the day is it worth having a winge about? we’re not gonna change their minds, and it’s not like the people are just going to unsub. are you telling me that the people who pay $239 for a 12 month sub (yes it is that price right now it’s on sale for $207) are suddenly going to baulk because it suddenly costs $249 (or $217ish if you buy it when it’s on sale)? no, of course not. same for the month in month out people - it’s an extra $4 for one month, $7.20 for 3 months, $4.80 for 6 months (again, not using sale prices). Like I get it, price increases suck but is that price increase going to make people not sub when they were happy paying almost that price anyway?
if anything we should be demanding different things - if they want to charge us more then we should get our own goddam day night cycle as well as our own calendar
As someone who has subbed for 12 months at a time, yes, we can and will unsub over this price increase. I subbed at 12 month renewal because it saved me those few precious dollars. Pushing the price up means those few dollars saved are being eroded, and tie that in with cost of living, and it becomes unviable to continue paying for it.
Believe it or not, but people really do calculate their budget to that fine a margin, so it’s entirely worth “having a whinge about”.
lol turns out it wasn’t a new mmorpg that would kill WoW.
It’d be WoW itself and greedy people behind it.
Its not on sale, that is the discount for subbing for 12 months at a time…
Mate if you can’t see the writing on the wall then I don’t know what to tell you, Bookmark this post if you like so you can come back to it later when it comes true.
Blizzard is trying to kill OCE servers deliberately, they want to be rid of them and just force OCE players back to the US/EU servers. They did this multiple times over SoD’s lifecycle and if you look at the new fresh servers, we originally weren’t even going to get OCE servers for fresh at all, then we ended up with one, but after the issues that plagued SoD and the forced migration many players just opted out of OCE all together because they didn’t want to be forced off a dead server AGAIN.
All by design.
poor blizzard try harder up price more haha i bet you wont
So it begins with raising prices for Oceanic.
same bare minimum effort, but now with extra cost
best way to stop giving them money farm herbs mining skinning and do alchemy/BS make gear sell it
Remember when aus servers used to have their own day/night cycle and calendar cycle separate from US ones, then they binned it all some years ago and never brought it back? The game is actively worse for aussies because of that and they still want us to pay 20% more…?
As other users have pointed out, its not like Blizzard is going to lower the prices in Oceania if the value of NZD and AUD went up relative to the USD.
They know that the exchange rates will chill out again soon and then we’ll be stuck paying more than the average again.
And even if we are paying the same amount technically, the average income in the US is almost double the equivalent in NZ, but with comparable cost of living. So the average american has more disposable income compared to someone from here.
WoW subscription was already a frivolous expense I could barely justify.
After the price hike, it will cost less to subscribe to 2-3 major streaming services (which everyone can enjoy and use) than it will to maintain a single WoW account for myself.
There’s never been less wiggle room in our household budget, so I will likely be forced to cancel my subscription in the next month or two. I’m really disappointed by this change, and I hope the subscribers Blizzard loses more than offsets the extra profits they manage to swindle from those that remain.
Yep, they did this to mine on GD.
Locked and hidden. Lovely company.
its ok guys lest the bots keep subbing haha