Yeah this price jack has me reconsidering quite a bit tbh, what are they providing for increased funds? The content is getting more and more mid and lacking
Value is really starting to not meet the price point.
Yeah this price jack has me reconsidering quite a bit tbh, what are they providing for increased funds? The content is getting more and more mid and lacking
Value is really starting to not meet the price point.
blizzard becoming a scammer with ripoff price just like the mounts
or give it 5 more months price go up again
I cancelled both my subs after they Killed OCE Sod servers, this only re-enforces that i made the correct decision i was paying 2x12 months, Retail is a laggy boring mess, wouldn’t touch cata, anniversary has been done to death, SoD’s constant buggy phase launches i.e. AQ20 launch, and ‘if’ they ever made classic+ there is zero chance these potatoes could pull it off.
Now they’re an overpriced woke piece of rubbish company. I only play classic so I don’t have to deal with the over the top cringefest that is retail. I don’t think it’s worth it anymore.
These DEI developers don’t deserve anymore money.
Who else will defend the billion dollar company then?
Irrelevant. The reasons don’t matter in the slightest. What MATTERS is that this nebulous 'online service" is now more expensive. I’m not paid in USD, I don’t convert the money myself. So I don’t care is we’re technically paying the same. Because we’re not using the same currency. The dollars I earn have increasingly little value and that is the only thing that matters. Blizzard snatching at an even greater share of increasingly thin spare cash.
Month-to-month options will vanish next. You will be able to buy 12 months. 24 months or indefinite
I can’t justify 300 AUD a year for this, when so little content is actually good or put out in a year.
I’ll be quitting.
You know, if I could login to both Retail and Classic simultaneously… I wouldn’t overly care.
But yeah, I’m forced to play arena on 180ms from OCE and sit 10-20-30-40 minute queues on retail.
Blizzard are making a major mistake here lol.
Edit. Didnt mean to post this on my cata warrior lol, I play retail.
I just cancelled my subscription. Been wanting to quit my wow addiction anyway.
Good idea. I pay $24 AUD for 6 spotify accounts lol.
Same here.
I wouldnt be surprised if this is coming from Microsoft rather than Bizzard though. They might need to make up the short fall in funds they will lose from that Avowed rubbish when it comes out with all its dei rubbish.
I have been playing since day 1 and i have 60 maxxed out toons so I have invested a bit of time into this. I bought 12 months not long ago so I will be ok for a while but once that is done I will be moving to another game. FFXIV is looking good right about now.
i wonder if blizzard get boycott over this just like bud light lol
exactly, they despise people who use OCE servers. And I’m trying to make a video series about the Blood Elf storyline, but this price jump and their refusal to fix the oce day/night cycle means they’ve ruined my plans for it. After hundreds of hours of work ffs
OCE at lest blizzard going make a killing off them bots they wont banned
Putting it at $23.95 a month is a bit rich for me. I also feel I get far better value from Gamepass, with a library of games to play, with more added monthly. It’s a shame, because I was really looking forward to seeing/playing out the next couple expansions, too.
see they give us 20% boost in price never mind about china
most. Not all. Check out Arizona iced tea’s comments on why they don’t raise prices or costco on what the ex ceo would do if they raised the price of the hotdog