Upcoming Alchemy Adjustments

Um. How about we buff the trinket. It is like the only special craft and it sucks bad.

That has been a swore spot for me for a while now. The trinkets are just horrible and no one ever wants them. I just don’t understand how (for example) I am basically getting a weapon crafted that is typically a huge bonus at the start and them move to my off-hand where it is BIS. Hell this expansion my BIS off hand is crafted, the trinket isn’t even on the chart as an viable option.

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Refund people who used Acuity for them before this change please, given it & how limited the resource is.

I’ve maybe blown up twice, once on wild experimentations and once on meticulous experimentation. Never got anything from the wild experimentation and had one attempt explode and only once had I not gotten anything from the meticulous which coincided with an explosion.

I just can’t bring myself to use the wild because of not guaranteeing a pattern especially with the scare materials I keep looking for and or only getting 1-2 from most nodes. Usually takes me about 20 nodes per attempt and I have all professions, so I have characters that just harvest for my professions and not done anything else on their way to 80.

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Dear blizz. You have now gone off the deep end of over complicating and convoluting professions to being super unfun and busywork.

Please stop.

-The players


It is supposed to be 100% success rate. I would make a bug report.

Who said anything about “big” changes? There were no BIG changes. Just some small adjustments. Frankly, they were not enough.


Why did you only change the CD of meticulous experimentation and not take this opportunity to change all the 24hr profession cooldowns? Also not sure why they just don’t reset with the daily reset?


how about reverting that terrible 5 min CD crap?

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It definitely needs changes. when you experiment get a failure you wait 10 min only to get a 2nd, 3rd fail. I literally got 5 fails in a row yesterday back to back. I get thats terrible luck but the amount of mats wasted. then the success i do get are not even giving recipes. The RNG is so terrible that the lucky people will end up making money bc no one can get recipes. its not a very fair or well rounded profession compared to the others. Just my opinion though. Its def the most infuriating prof.


After the changes, Alchemy is definitely easier to level.

Wild experimentation just feels like a complete waste of herbs and time.

With Meticulous it only takes about 1.5 weeks to learn every recipe.

Yeah, I dropped alchemy on my main last night. It’s just not fun. Double gathering and pure profit is the way to go.


how come alchemy is always screwed in every expansion for some reason? lol
its like they hate alchemy. i knew they would scuff it again…always alchemy.

does it still have that weird proc that u fail u gotta wait like 24 hrs to do it again in df?
crap was super bad


Did you push these changes live? Because wild experimentation is a 100% failure rate for me…I’ve not ONCE managed to even create anything using this mechanic, let alone learn a new recipe. I’ve blown through hundreds of herbs of all varieties. Spent thousands of gold on upgraded alchemsit tools and gear. Farmed for hours, then spent even more on herbs, because TWENTY HERBS per explosion is ungodly and unreasonable. My main has been an alchemist for over a decade. It was one of my favorite parts of the game. This mechanic has managed to make alchemy absolutely miserable.


All crafting sucks anymore. Can you rework it from ground up.


How about you spend ~200k on failing experiments and making 7 alchemy alts just trying to get Phial of Truesight on week 1 for all the gatherers, finally getting it then they change alchemy the next day so Meticulous Experimentation is now guaranteed, then come tell me if you think this wasn’t a big change…

Was able to unlock my last flask for the cauldron last night. I am a happy alch

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By ‘slightly adjusted’ did you mean 95% failure rate, 4% ‘success’ rate (where you don’t get a new recipe) and 1% success rate (where you do get a new recipe)?

…cause that’s what it feels like. I’ve exploded myself five times in a row and it’s incredibly frustrating basically setting fire to my herbs with no returns.


If you are using materials for which you already have all the recipes, you will just blow up and fail.

I think you misspelled “decreased” here.