Upcoming Alchemy Adjustments

  • Meticulous Experimentation will have its cost and cooldown increased, however it will guarantee a new recipe when crafted.

It should have always been a guarantee. It’s insane that you can fail a 24 hour cd multiple times in a row. And why? Why does the cooldown and mats need to be increased? For your performance metrics? No sane, logical person that tested this would EVER say “Yes, 24 hours is too short”.

I have pumped points into fungus forager AND STILL rarely get more than one or 2 Mycobloom, but you want me to do more? I seriously want to know if the designer has actually tried to level any of these systems or if they are just using spreadsheets, because that’s what it feels like.

  • Wild Experimentation’s success and failure chances will be slightly adjusted.

Slightly? What does that mean? So far I’ve failed 5 or more wild experimentations in a row multiple times. And the times I’ve succeeded I’ve mostly got ONE potion in return. I’ve only learned to craft 2 potions and 1 phial and they ARE TRASH. Potion of the reborn cheetah? Trash. Frontline potion? Trash!

  • The lockout on failed Wild Experimentations will be reduced to 10 minutes (down from 15).

Great, but you’re still wasting 600 seconds of my life on a system that is, by design, a thief of joy. It’s not fun, it will never be fun… please stop. The last thing I need in a crafting system is RNG. Actually, it’s RNG on top of RNG.

  • While under the effects of Formulated Courage, Wild Experimentation will no longer cause explosions that interrupt your focus.


Thank you for your continued feedback!

Why? You guys obviously aren’t using it. If you were half the specs wouldn’t be completely cooked and the cooking profession wouldn’t require an insane amount of mats.


Not true. Still 15 minutes.


Came to check after finding the same… Are we really surprised at this point?

“Oh hi Alchemists… looks like you’re stuck at that crafting table… dont worry, step-Blizz will help you out”

In her defense she did say “we intend to push live within the next day or so”

tbf on beta you can just buy knowledge points and max it out so it is trivial when you have the courage formulated and maxed out skill tree.

Soon ™ Blizzards motto.

it’s down to 10 minutes now for me.

Experimentation is just a system that feels unrewarding, out of player control, and excessively punishing completely at random.

Did you set aside time to try to level your alchemy? Too bad, you blew up on your first experiment.

Well, guess you can scratch that idea for now. May as well try to go get something else done. Hope you don’t mind coming all the way back to the crafting station to try again every 10 minutes. Hope that isn’t disruptive or irritating, because you’re stuck with it.

Do you have particularly bad luck? Hope you have lots of herbs you don’t mind throwing at the problem, and lots of time on your hands, and you don’t mind if other crafters are making bank while you try to learn the recipes that matter. Hope none of this bothers you, because there’s nothing you can do about it. Enjoy!

Seriously, get rid of the cooldown entirely, at the bare minimum. It’s not doing anything positive for players.


Linxy, please take a look at the Cauldrons. The Potion and Flask Cauldron are warbound but the Crystalforged Cauldron (the mat return when used) is BoP.

This creates a very weird dynamic where if you use your alts to craft some flasks for your main. You now have multiple soulbound Crystalforged Cauldrons. At this point, raiders will be forced to summon in alts to put down cauldrons to ensure the Crystal Forged cauldron stays on the correct character.


I would just like to say that this is my first time attempting a profession. My mentality now is that they are a cash grab. I’ve spent gold trying to get a single recipe through “thurmatourgy” for what I perceived was a chance at success but it is clear now, there is 0% chance.

Bad business practice.


If anything create custom puzzles or something. An entirely luck based mechanic ain’t it.


Big changes after launch are NOT FAIR OR FUN in gaming. Inevitably players will be on the wrong side of a change and it feels bad. If you make things easier, the players who have “done it the hard way” will feel cheated. If you make things harder the players who haven’t done it yet will feel cheated. You’ve now pissed off non-EA buyers because they didn’t get to level with the uber-scaling level 70’s and you’re about to put in a change to Alchemy that is going to piss off those who already spent tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of gold doing experimentation. Also, I feedbacked half of these Alchemy changes early in beta and I’ve seen others do so as well so it’s not like how crappy experimentation felt is just now coming to light.

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Got on last night and blew up 4 times in a row. (Spaced out at least 10 minutes of course). Not gonna lie, kind of a bummer! Quit after that. Just trying to unlock flasks for the cauldron- or anything at this point.


Well, patron orders are finally back so thanks for that. Unfortunately, despite being over 100 skill and over 60 kp in to Alchemy and experimenting since the start of early access, I cannot make any of them. Why? Because I am forever blowing up while experimenting. Had I known it would be this bad I would have headed for Formulated Courage right off the bat. So, here I go, missing out on weekly cuz I can’t craft the damn work orders.


Experimenting is still an annoying system.

10 blow ups in a row. 10 min wait in between each one.

My friend just drooped alch and sent me his herbs. Wasting TONS of herbs on this mechanic in hope you get the few decent recipes feels bad.

Edit 14 blow up’s in a row now


Maybe don’t listen to the streamers and spam mash mycobloom?

Sorry I’m new to this kind of crafting. What is “mash mycobloom” and what will it do for me? I followed a wowhead guide and it messed me up bad…not doing that again.

I just meant “mash” as “grind up for experimentation” without thinking about what you’re doing. It’s RNG but not nearly as random as people are making it out to be.

Thanks for explaining. Yep that’s what I’ve been doing and I still blow up 90% (no exaggeration) of the time. I have almost all the pots and phials (all but 2) and zero flasks which is what they have chosen for my work orders lol.

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I feel like I’ve been here before…