Upcoming Alchemy Adjustments

Also, recipe costs are outrageous. My average herb nodes are giving me 2-3 herbs. That is it. Many times I only get ONE. Yes, I have been leveling my herbalism specialties. It hasn’t really helped. We need to get more from each node. Then to have many recipes cost 10 herbs each, and many others costing TWENTY… it is just way out of wack. Either increase herb drops per node or reduce the recipe costs or both.


Nice to see some quick and needed changes. Really like the change to Meticulous Experimentation and the removal of the artisan currency from caldrons!

I’m hoping points in herb specialization improves this over time. Maybe I’m stuck on the days of getting like 15 herbs from a plant at the end of DF.

Should have been this way from the start, no excuses you’re not new at this stuff anymore. The excuse well has dried up. BE BETTER, BE PROUD OF A GOOD PRODUCT FOR ONCE.

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What about the 4 fails Meticulous Experimentations that have been done, will those be refunded? the Cauldrons that were already made will the acuity be refunded? just asking for a friend.

Experimentation as a whole for alchemy is just not fun. I get the fantasy of mixing chemicals to make new things, but this amount of RNG is too much, costs too much, and is too frustrating to even get some basic recipes to start crafting. There are better ways of doing it.


When will these changes be made I guess 7 days of dumping mats and time into it isn’t enough for it to be on Wednesday maintenance. lame!!!

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i love how experiments blow up sometimes :slight_smile:

Meticulous experimentation does NOT guarantee a new recipe. I’ve had multiple days of failure with it (and the pleasure of getting knocked on my butt while failing).

And again today AFTER the maintenance… meticulous experimentation only gave me another knockback… this REALLY sucks.


Hopefully these changes get added soon, I am going to wait until they are before I spend more time with experimentation.

Have you seen the cost of vials and other mats we need to make items? It’s ridiculous >:(


I agree that’s crazy prices.
may be they think they can sell with that prices and become rich lol
how dumb… they don’t know retail business :rofl: :rofl:

I feel bad having to push that cost out to others when I want to make potions to share but it’s extremely expensive for crafting right now on just the vendor reagents we need. Even using Kej has a price. And it’s nice to have the Kej as a currency but… it’s still a lot

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lets just open chests and use free red bulls till we are able to make our own…

It’s fun and interesting gameplay. Who wouldn’t want to blow up and waste gold then wait 10 minutes and do it again? IT’S FUN

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And there’s no feedback at all, a success with no learning just gives you a random potion, blowing up says whoopsie try again later tee hee.
Did I learn all I could from using this particular herb? Do I need 2 or 3 star of said herb to learn more? No idea, just blow up and waste more gold.


Hi, enchanter here. Could you make more greens drop? You’re making tailoring AND enchanting double dip on a resource that seems impossibly rare for no reason. If anything needs adjustment it’s that.


Can enchanters be freed from having multiple levels of the same reagents?

Also This:

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honestly i have only myself to blame, i should have known better than to do alchemy after DF :slight_smile:


It feels bad when I can’t log on right away to do the meticulous experimentation CD, how about adding 2 or 3 charges to it, leave the CD the same, but then allows us to miss a day or two without completely falling behind?