Upcoming Alchemy Adjustments

Experimentation success and failure rates should be more than “slightly adjusted.” Total nonsense system. Worst implementation of alch in history.

Meticulous Experimentation should be having its cost and CD decreased, not increased…

Please compensate those of us who have failed 90% of all experiments. Many of us have wasted many hours farming and/or gold spent as a result of your poor implementation.


Yeah that was a bit aggravating that Meticulous experimentation with the big costs and day-long CD still failed. That’s pretty anti-climactic… and still blows you up as an added bit of spite. :fire:

What is it going back to 3 days?


I wonder if we can get a reset on the alchemy points. especially the people who have put every point into transmutation. The majority of people have spent a TON of gold and resources trying to both level up alchemy and discover new transmutation recipies only to be undermined by both exploiters and blizzard themselves. The exploiters have well over 100 points (unobtainable at this point) in their transmutation tree and have basically cheated their way to the top. Blizzard, instead of laying down the law and either temp banning people who were seriously absuing the system or rolling back peoples progress, they instead silently nerfed anything to do with transmutation. We shouldnt need to use thaumaturgy on transmutigens themselves (with the 5 points needed in the skill as required) well over 50 times just to unlock one recipe. Either roll everyone back, or let everyone have a free respec.

Alchemy is so dumb with the RNG making it take 24 hours to continue moving forward. After first frigging experiment.

I hate this.

About the only part of this whole post that is a net positive…

And what about smaller cauldrons? For smaller guilds / raids?
Admittedly I havent even looked at cauldrons to see what’s what at the moment, but if there arent smaller options, increasing the cost and the output on a single use item is also just weird at best…

Cooldown increased on what is already a 24hr CD?? Cost increased?? It should already be a guranteed success considering its on a CD… Dont increase the CD, dont increase the cost… This “fix” is a joke. Either remove the CD and increase the cost, or leave it as is other than the guaranteed success.

“slightly” … as someone that has failed 10+ in a row after only 2 successes off the bat… no… again, not good enough… It’s a Horrific mechanic and this is a horrific change.

Meh… I assume this “fix” is just to bring it in line with the courage… Ambivalent…

Does this mean no fails? Or just no explosions, which realistically are just the (almost literal) slap in the face Blizz are giving to Alchemists with this terrible mechanic staying around.


Weaver’s Tutelage buff for 15% increased craft speed is not working at all. Providing 0% increase

This is not a good action to take. Leave meticulous experiments just where it is.

Wild experiments is a complete waste of time but what ever. You don’t have to go in and mess up meticulous experiments too.

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I have failed every single Experimentation but the first maybe 4 of the expansion that I did and I’m probably about 35 plus deep do you know how many flowers I’ve had to pick just to waste them and get a SINGLE potion from this thing blowing up in my face, I also failed my 2nd Wild Experimentation that’s on a 24 HOUR CD! like wtf are you guys doing? what toddler thought that this was a good idea to have the success rate SO LOW its on a 24 hour CD FFS FIX IT


I have a massive issue with these changes. As someone who specifically went down the flask route knowing that there would be caps to how many times a cauldron could be used per raid, due to acuity, I would have never gone this route. If you’re going to solidify this change we need to be able to respec our alchemy trees, its only fair.


This is the worse iteration of Alchemy in the history of the game. Let me explain:

  • Some recipes are gated behind Wild and Meticulous experiments causing us to not accumulate Artisan’s Acuity, which is needed for us to learn other recipes. We can’t even purchase the alchemy notes from the Artisan’s because of the lack of Acuity.

  • Increasing cost and CD for Meticulous Experimentation does not offset the guarantee recipe. Now we have to wait longer to get another recipe. What other crafting prof does this?

  • Alchemy is the ONLY profession that has a failed lockout for actually crafting. This causes a negative feedback loop for players who will not spend time on upgrading this profession. 10 minutes is far too long. Who wants to sit for 10 minutes to wait to continue crafting? At least in Dragon Flight we could drink the courage potion and remove the debuff, but there is nothing like that here.

  • Wild Experimentation’s failure rate is obscene. I may get 2 in a row and then explosion It’ll be interesting to see the results of slightly adjusted.

I get needing to gate some professions to not gear up too fast, but Alchemy is not one of those professions. Even with these improvements, Alchemy is still extremely hard to level and obtain Artisan’s Acuity.


Your point is especially true in light of the high cost of experimentation. I can farm for an hour, and still only have enough for a couple of experiments or transmute experiments.

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Experimentation is the worst flipping mechanic to be applied to any profession. Other professions don’t require this rng to progress. This is a HORRRIBLE mechanic. Get rid of it entirely.


All Professions since Dragon Flight- have been a nightmare for some. I am a Alchemist and have been for years. I gave it up in DF due to the unnecessary busy work it takes to make potions. There once was a time -not so long ago you could easily max out your professions with hard work and not all the busy work making it even harder. Seems just like another way of making a player give up on Professions and use the AH… Some people may like the changes, long time players -like myself think it’s all for nothing.


Also agree.

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Do we know if they are gonna reduce the cost of cauldron basic mat for alchemy as well? Cause bet you anything it will be cheaper to just buy rank 3 flasks then make cauldrons in the future, the base cost of 57k is kinda ridiculous

I was shocked to see mat prices so high. I really thought it was a lazy typo by the devs and not intentional, but seeing the same price after EA was disappointing.

The only way you can get every alchemy recipe is you have to unlock Liquid Courage and just spend 1000s of herbs doing experimentation’s.

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Nod yesterday I got the explosion and no recipe. Today I got a recipe, but now with the change 24h was already a ridiculous long wait time.

Nod the amount I gather is in no way comparable to the amount needed to use to craft. Relying on Auction House scalpers isn’t an option even though I buy if I have to. (Ya one of you put a pattern up for 200g but comes from a vendor for 25g, Ya. You got me).

One the things slowing me down is no matter how much I gather, I just can’t gather enough materials to craft to level. And trying the experimenting to get nothing from it is a big deterrent in trying to waste precious materials.

One thing I find interesting. The data they been collecting shows a need for changes. Ok, this is live data. What about all the Beta testing. Didn’t that data show the same thing. Oh wait, as always, we don’t listen to the beta testers before we push stuff to live.

What’s the point of even testing the game anymore. You’re going to do what you want and change things when you want and say we been collecting data and listening to feedback. You’ve had months of data and feedback

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Why are these new professions so terrible. Why do I need to spend hundreds of thousands of gold and time simply to get some pots and flask? Go back to the old system, this is nonsense


This is a start, but it needs more. Allow some of the lower level recipes to be trained from the trainer. You should also reduce the cooldown of meticulous experimentation- 24 hours is too long. Thank you for at least making it a guaranteed recipe. I kept doing it and was GETTING NOTHING. That felt beyond horrible. Thank you for that. Perhaps you can make the cooldown period 3 hours instead of 24. Even now only being able to get ONE recipe a day is still very slow. (Wild Exp. NEVER WORKS) Not once has it ever worked for me. It is just a huge waste of materials.