Up and arms about flying

Just a heads up, it’s “up in arms”… :eyes:

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I don’t think in this case its about people hating change. I think its the 5 second thing is just wasting time. Yes its only five seconds, however it was a five seconds that was added that wasnt there previously before. It feels more like it was intentionally added to waste time for whatever reason. Also as for the dynamic vs static, some people have different tastes of what constitutes fun. Some people like dynamic flying more others prefer static. Its perfectly valid for someone to despise dynamic for any reason, even if another person cannot fathom why someone enjoys static and would use it to travel across the map. Its just like food, what someone may find disgusting to eat theres probably someone out there that loves said food. Like people will toss shade at blizzard all day and meme “fun detected” but on this issue people are suddenly willing to actually care about blizzard’s vision?


Unforunately, no. They explained that if a mount doesn’t support Skyriding and you try to use it while Skyriding is active, the mount is grounded.

To switch between Skyriding and Steady Flight, you can do so directly in the mount collection by clicking on the Skyriding icon in the middle of the interface and selecting “Switch Flight Style” in the drop-down menu. It’s important to note that any mount that doesn’t support Skyriding will be grounded if Skyriding is active.


and they hate change that doesn’t make sense or is bad and inconvenient.


Im all for free speech short of threats of violence, doxxing, etc…but using free speech to whine about whining? lol.
Definitely seems to be something fairly unique to this forum, from my experience. Dont think I can say Ive seen this phenomena elsewhere, lol


hmm… I’ve never considered that, but now that I am, I think I am in the same boat.

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There’s no point in a time wasting mechanic since Blizzard apparently only cares about monthly active users, which is the only metric that matters to them as whether you’ve played 1 minute or 24/7, you still only count for one subscription.

Now there’s also engagement, if you play a mode, they’re likely to create more of that mode so you keep coming back. But a mode of transportation isn’t really that and I doubt anyone would leave solely because of that.

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Man it is isn’t it, oh well can’t win em all

It would be great if the toggle was PER MOUNT. Also, let druids set their flight-form separately from their mounts. Wouldn’t that make everyone happy?

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I’ll give u the benefit of the doubt and say I believe you.What does the 5 second cast time add? What is its purpose? I could do this for months before prepatch for no cast time…… it’s not fun. Period. 🪽 :cloud_with_rain:


The cast time itself has a use. Converting your full mount selection from sky swimming to skyriding and forces you to land in order to do it. 5 seconds is probably too long though.

  1. 5 seconds is too much.
  2. This didn’t need another thread.

It truly is. I am so disappointed in the implementation. It is discouraging to know that this was either intentional or not well thought out by the developers.

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5 seconds is too long when there is no reason why it should be anything other than 0 seconds. Understand that?


6.5 not including the GCD. Switching has to be done while on the ground stationary and it dismounts you. So 5 seconds to switch and another 1.5 to recast mount. Prior to the patch it was just simply 1.5 seconds to switch mounts (or instant for druids even while in flight)


these are just the same ground mount immersion hardos that all the sudden had the tables turned…I do not feel bad in anyway that we have new flying stuff.

It would be a good start but I do not think BlizZard has the tech do it for every mount based on how they did it. I think they should have left it alone.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Use the button and you’re flying one way or another. Not a big deal.

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There are a lot of threads on this important topic so I suppose it is a big deal.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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The official forums are no longer trustworthy sources of feedback. The overwhelming majority of people prefer skyriding and don’t mind the cast time to switch styles.