Up and arms about flying

Really? I didnt know this. I learned something new again today. lol.
Wonder what the deal is with that ? Not like mage is an overly complex class or anything.
Seems like druid with all its random crap it does would be more work intensive.

the system was fine before, but adding more mounts to available dragon riding roster seemed like a good thing… this wasnt marketed as a way to force me into one type of flying(even though we know they would rather delete normal flying)

the problem is i enjoy both types of flying. which until now was no issue i could normal fly or dragon ride whenever i needed, but now all of a sudden thats a big deal and im not allowed to switch quickly?

they set the precedent that this is how dragon riding will function and then now change it to a completely different engagement. which doesnt add anything to gameplay but only hinders players for no reason


they clearly dont get the irony, lol.

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It’s time this forum had a change. People are allowed to have opinions! Freedom! 🪽 :cloud_with_rain:


Mages and Paladins are very popular so that isn’t surprising to me. But given that Monks DH, Shamans and Rogues are not as popular one would think that maybe some more “teamwork” would go toward all classes at least.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Then swap to that and use it?

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This is another reason I dont get too attached to any class or spec.
I keep trying them out when they do an overhaul thing to see if I like them now…demonology has been the bomb lately compared to when I tried it years back.

But at any given moment they can trash something Im playing.
When I did that ‘main’ thing it was seriously annoying to be playing it and have Ion hose something with it.
Now I have a list of favorites and I just dont get too involved so if he does it again, I’ll just go off onto something else.

Sucks it has to be this way.
Find something that works good and leave it for god sake.

No. Ty. :cloud_with_rain: 🪽

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Then your wilfully making the game harder for yourself and purposely making yourself mad…


Speak for yourself.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


If you prefer Steady Flight just use it. The speed was Buffed.

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Its probably a coding limitation for the model base used for skyriding vs old flight.


So if the toggle is set to skyriding and you also put a flying mount that can’t skyride on your bar, do you then have access to both types at once without using the toggle?

I’m pretty sure this is one of those cases if we continue to make comments about people crying over people crying over people crying, it can morph into one of those hysterical laughter moments that kind of scares you a little to witness, even if it is a toddler.


Yes, people do not like a change that is just adding a long cast time where there previously was not one.


as a gatherer using skyriding is annoying at best unbearable at worst. standard flying mounts do not have to rest to regain flying power.

if skyriding mounts did not need to recharge their flying ability, there probably wouldn’t be any complaints towards that but someone decided “hey, lets add a really fast flying mount but make it a wind up where it needs to recharge after a bit.”

the devs have been doing this nonsense since the beginning of wow. i call it dev humor: they add something but make it annoying or they add something and remove something. example: skyriding vs standard flying, pvp red servers all gone, adds war mode instead, get the picture?

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Having a wait-time to change flying style is quite irritating, and also hard to justify logically. It was better pre-patch, with each mount either always static, or always “sky riding”.


A lot of things were better before prepatch if we are to be honest.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Agreed, I saw no issues with some mounts using dragonriding and some mounts being more traditional.


I’m not doing anything. I use the toggle but i don’t like it heavily because I do not like sky riding on my travel form, it’s a downgrade from what it used to be. I use anything I deem necessary, does not mean I have to like it.