Up and arms about flying

Thats like the same time it takes to mine a node.

Now that I think of it. Why does it take time to mine a node, that ore should just magically teleport straight to my bag the instant i look at it.
I am the MawWalker, Champion of the Horde, Savior of Azeroth many times over. I should be able to move some mere ore into my bags with my sheer awesomeness alone!

“You! Ore! In the bag Now!”

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There are a lot of threads with the same 9 people on alts going from thread to thread to bump them and make it look bigger than it is.

Again, not a big deal.

Well, he did fly all the way to the forum to make that post.

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This was the final deal breaker for me. I am disabled and flying is near impossible now. I have had three strokes and enjoyed just minding my own business doing dailies for fun. I even find it hysterically ironic that the page to cancel my subscription doesn’t work. Sure the Pause Instead button works fine. Never fear blizzard. For everything there is a work-around. I will cancel via paypal. It’s a sad day for me because just getting to the daily quest giver is horrible now.

So stick to TBC flying? It won’t be 5 seconds everytime, just the first time.


The final deal breaker was a 5 second toggle? Or the increase in speed?

Nothing changed between yesterday and today other than the toggle and more mounts have dynamic. :dracthyr_shrug:

That’s not canceling. That’s stopping payments which will most likely ban you from being able to purchase ANYTHING from the blizzard store in the future. Not just wow related stuff.
God speed.

This is a step in an interesting direction!

It’s working fine for me. Just went through the page to test it. I’d say give it a few and try again.
Last thing you want to do is cancel via your payment method.

Did you have a 6 month sub? And what issue are you having with flying?

Unfortunate news indeed. Sorry to hear that.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I dont really care one way or the other , this is just another one that I just roll my eyes at and move on , I would like to know why they did it ,the 5 sec cast , was it something that affected PVP ?

This is a ridiculous UX standpoint especially for a “rolling mass” change.

We had the ability to select a mount based on Sky Riding or one on Steady Flying. The switch time was the cast time.

Now the switch time is the cast time plus the switch from Sky to Steady.

This is not a one time thing (and is what I mean by a “rolling mass” change). It is something incurred every time you want to switch. This may have tens or hundreds of times in a given day. That’s time wasted for no appreciable reason that was not present in the past.

If people arguing why this impacts them when it’s a logically reasonable complaint bothers you, quit reading the forums.

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It’s about disability. My hands and fingers twitch and shake. If I try dragon riding I end up flying into buildings unable to control it. It just makes it impossible for me. Fine by me roll your eyes. You probably won’t understand until you’re older. I have only done dailies for ten years now after the last stroke. I did it as a connection to days when I used to run with a guild and have fun until all hours of the night. Just time to move on now. I have put in a ticket to be sure blizzard knows to cancel on their end because the cancel page button doesn’t work.

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You understand that regular flying is still available to you, right? Nothing has been removed. Worst case scenario, you might have to click the button to toggle from dynamic flight to static flight and wait out the 5-second cast time.


Go into your Spellbook/General.
Click on the Skyriding icon to get the drop down menu
The last icon is Switch Flight Style.
Put that on a Hot bar and click.
After the cast is done you’ll be using TBC Flight for all your mounts and never need to use Skyriding.

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Them buffing normal flight to 450% was the final straw for you due to your situation?

Thank you! I didn’t know this was possible. I am reinstalling now. I am older and I don’t talk to my old raid friends because they are older as well and have kids. Plus I don’t belong to a guild (other than my bank guilds) because I feel bad when people ask me to help them in dungeons. I can’t react fast enough anymore to be of help.
Thanks for this post - I kept thinking last night that it will be a long winter without my daily quests. :slight_smile:


I’d be perfectly happy if they had not included flight form with skyriding.

Thats really only true if one does a chargeback. If you just make it so future payments aren’t approved its just going to be a payment method declined. Otherwise anyone who forgot to update their credit card would risk recieving a ban.

gliders are clunky for punctuated/precision flight.
it was nice to hot key 2 mounts, one traditional/
one new and simply switch back and forth as
you pleased.
by adding the new button, they’ve removed the
convenience of that player adaptation.
whether by ignorance or intent…they’ve clipped our wings.

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