Up and arms about flying

just hit a spell. no you need to hit the spell. not just. that’s a whole button click. and 5 seconds? in this day and age? that’s like 3 quarters of an hour!

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This. We’re in a game people have been playing for 20 years now.

A lot of them simply don’t like change, even when it’s a reversable toggle that consumes literally 5 seconds of your life. What I’m getting at is, people are morons.


There is no mass hate. 100% of people I’ve talked to that play love it.

There is a very small, but very loud, group of players that refused to learn the simple trick that makes it easy. They even go so far as to try and claim they are disabled in an attempt to prevent you from saying anything against them. Stubborn, disingenuous, and petulant. They got themselves mad, and now won’t relent on the forums.

Fishing in this game is harder than skyriding. I’m convinced these people just never figured out to point up when hitting skyward ascent and won’t listen to anybody trying to help them. They just want to stamp their feet and argue with people.


It’s a net loss for Druids to have to globally chose between the two forms. You used to be able to dragonfly and just switch to druid flight form and have that immediate mode switch. You can’t even insta-cast flight form mid-air if you are on a dragon - even into a dragon-flying flight form.

Hopefully at some point you would be able to designate which mounts use which flying style, but that would make too much sense.


TBC normal flying will always be a crown jewel of WoW. I agree let people have a reasonable choice.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I dont think being hyperbolic is gonna fix anything, lol.
Its hardly mass hate. Most like DRing or it would have died after DF.
Players loving it as a whole is why Ion kept it.

There are a few who are having issues with it…and a few more who might hate it…and they HAVE A RIGHT to dislike anything they dont like in this game, just as you and anyone else in here.

They are also told BY BLIZZARD to come HERE with their opinions…positive or negative…and posters have have ZERO authority to say otherwise.

There you go…YOU are annoyed by X…THEY are annoyed by Y.
Both are subjective opinions…both are allowed to be discussed in here.


This right here is a valid complaint. As much as I love Skyriding, this is 100% valid. I hope they make a change.


Yes it is indeed the most punishing against Druid class fantasy. Moving forward it just goes to show that there is a lack of sensitivity to the needs of the Druid community from BlizZ HQ.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Is it really that hard to hit soar a few times? I’d say the only thing you cant do with skyriding that you can with reg flight is go AFK. So fly to your destination for 2 minutes then go AFK

It is honestly one of the reasons I switched from Druid to Paladin for my main in TWW.

Freedom!! 🪽 :cloud_with_rain: Let our wings be unchained.


yeah…kinda playing favorites it seems…they hose druids racial abilities while mage is allowed to pop all over the universe unhindered.
I find that entirely biased behavior, personally

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Many people are switching from DH and Rogue to Paladins for TWW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’s a simple fact that most people don’t like change, it turns them into whiners…Get over it and get used to it. I first didn’t like dragonriding, but I got used to it, now I prefer it…

5 seconds is not that long…At least they gave people a choice between the 2 styles. They could have killed the old style riding, but they didn’t…


There is a “and boy are my arms tired” joke in the title. I can’t quite find it, but it’s in there.


I have to admit it is funny seeing like five different devs working on mages in beta. They say it is a collaborative effort but then when it comes to Monks, Rogues, Shamans and DHs you do not see such teamwork by the devs.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Imagine crying like a child about 6 second timer and calling yourself an adult.

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I don’t like Skyriding since it gives me motion sickness and I just talked to you.


That is their next step.

Crying about others crying doesn’t make sense either.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: