Unsupported Trades

I was recently scammed out of 250k by someone advertising in trade chat.

As I was filing my report, a window appeared to let me know that I wasn’t getting any gold back.

When I completed the report, the ticket window shows that it will be, at least, 10 days before my ticket is looked at.

10 days that this person has to scam as many people as they can.

Why aren’t scammers in a game that depends on trade a priority? Why would a ticket take 10 days to be answered? Why isn’t a digital currency reimbursed when it is stolen via scams? Is this to prop up the token sales?


Unfortunately, all trade transactions are taken at your own risk.

If you believe you were scammed then you need to report it. They will investigate it, but will not tell anyone of the results or account actions taken. If a scam is verified, then the items being disputed will just be destroyed, not re-distributed, and any gold is lost.

Edit: You should edit out the players name / realm. Name and shame is against forum rules and could get your forum account actioned. If you edit it out, Blizzard will still be able to see it.


I do see your ticket, and it is entirely appropriate to report this.

You are correct, however, your gold will not be returned.

This isn’t a prohibited transaction - but it is an unsupported one.

To be supported - both sides of the transaction have to occur within the trade window. Obviously a service of this nature cannot be put into a trade window.

We will however investigate this - and if a scam has been found, they will not only lose the proceeds - but most likely also their account. Given the character you interacted with was level one - that in itself should put up a HUGE red flag. Just something to keep in mind going forward.


This reads similar to an automated response.

As stated, I did report the player.

The ticket response time is 10 days.

That’s 10 days in which the player is going to continue to scam as many people as they can.

Allowing that to happen is absolutely terrible customer service.

I wonder how many innocent people were scammed before I wandered into their trap?

How many times had this player already been reported?

How many reports against that player we’re already pending when mine was filed?

Will he be free to steal everyone else’s gold for the next 10 days?

What do you want? A lightning bolt out of the sky to strike them down?

Blizzard investigates every report. They do not just take someone at their word that they were scammed. You wouldn’t want someone to say “Scx scammed me”, and have them just immediately agree and ban you.

It’s easy, free, and immediate to make an accusation. It is none of those three to take action against a player, then find out it was a lie.


As Orlyia said in her post, the character in question was a level 1. That character probably mailed off the gold and was deleted immediately. But, via your report, they will be able to track the gold and take action.


Something better than 10 days.

Nope, a guilty checked and they’re still spamming trade.

So again…

Would appreciate someone reporting you for a scam, and getting an immediate ban that won’t be overturned for 10 days? No, you wouldn’t.

And even if you want to say yes because it supports your rant here, you can imagine how this would be completely and utterly abused.


If you ever see a level one spamming trade for runs - please report them. That isn’t allowed either. A character advertising gold runs MUST participate - or at the very least be able to, participate in the run.


You will want to edit this out. Naming and shaming is considered harassment, and reports cut both ways. Just because they did wrong does not mean you’re allowed to.

Unsupported transactions are on us as players. When they shut down the third party boosting groups, one of the cornerstone rules of advertising now is that it must take place on the character who will be participating in the run.

The person shouldn’t be breaking the rules, but if you’re going to dip your toes into unsupported transactions, you need to do your part of due diligence. If it’s a level one, then that should have been a pretty massive red flag. That is one of the reasons Blizzard does not return your gold with unsupported transactions. There are ways to take part in carries and boosts, but you need to know the rules and make sure that you’re aware of anything glaring that would put you into this position to begin with.

And for the record, I think that they did dirty and absolutely should be slapped hard with a sanction. I’m not defending scammers by any stretch, but like with many things? We as players have to do our part too. Know who you’re buying from. Do your research. On my server we have plenty of guilds and such that do sales, and I’ve run with them a number of times. But I made sure that they were legit each and every time. People who are advertising have to be the ones participating. Level 1s, level 10s? Report and avoid like the plague.


That doesn’t sound like it would be difficult to moderate, unless it’s in your best interest to ignore it and allow players to be scammed without reimbursing them.

They only act on reports, they do not monitor trade or general chat looking for stuff like this. Unless reported bliz will not do anything, they are reactive not proactive when it comes to things like this.


Blizzard has never returned the gold of UNSUPPORTED transactions. They rarely return the gold for anything. That has always been their policy. Actions have consequences, unfortunately. Your scammer will have to face theirs once the investigation is complete, but you too have learned a harsh lesson in all of this.


It’s in our best interest to educate players so they don’t get scammed - and we do.

It’s in our best interest to work spam as quickly as possible to shut them down as quickly as possible - which we do.

These get shutdown far faster from just the reported spam aspect than investigations, just because of the nature of what is involved.

And at this point you are perilously close to trolling. I’d suggest you stop. I understand this can be frustrating, but hopefully you now know what to avoid going forward.


While it may have never been their policy to return gold, they used to return the gold as recently as BFA, because it was good customer service.

In my ticket history there is proof of this.

I do not mean to troll you. I am just very frustrated by the state of customer support in a game that I grew up with.

Thank you for removing the players name from my original comment, I hadn’t considered that was against the rules.

And thank you for taking the time to respond to my vent.

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So you might have been extended curtesy in the past - usually if Blizzard does this is very rare and not the normal. There could very well be a variety of reasons why gold was given back.

They certainly don’t need to, regardess of good customer service or not.

So if you have participated in unsupported transactions in the past that have gone wrong, you really haven’t learned what unsupported means.

This has nothing to do with good customer service or not - and everything to do with your unrealistic expectation.


So do you just cruise the cs forums to troll people?

You’ve completely lost the intent of the post, as I already stated that I read and understood that was their current stance on player-player transactions while I was filling out the ticket.

I don’t feel as though I could even approach an honest conversation with you.