Unsubbing, WoW tokens, boosts

I think they are definately going that way with the first mog outfit on sale now. After all, FF14 has one and people dont seem to be too upset about that. (I get that many of the items were previously in the game, but if they aren’t in the game all the time then they are still only available to purchase if you weren’t playing when they were.)

I dont care what they put in the store as long as none of it gives an ingame advantage. Toys, pets, mounts, mog gear, its just pixels. Let people pay money for bling if they want, their choice.

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I would say yeah, give eve a try here.

Technically it doesn’t have boosting. We are more direct there.

We just straight up sell whole chars there. All within ToS. Hell the forums have a sales section for this.

Every MMO I have played has some form of boosting. ESO has boosting, it has a cash shop and it has bots. Id be surprised if any major MMO doesnt have the equivalent of most or all of the things you find objectionable.

And you say you have played since TBC; surely they had boosting and bots back then? As for the tokens, they allow a pensioner like me to earn gold ingame and keep my sub alive with tokens. Plus they reduce the chance that people will get hacked or robbed buying gold from gold sellers. Whatever some may see as the negative, there is also the positives which are undeniable.

If you find this pure golden world of MMO without those things, please let us know.

If anyone at all thinks WoW tokens helped this game I’m not sure what to say.


People need to get it through their skulls that what’s been going on in WoW for the last few years is NOT normal.

Boosts / Carries will always exist in some form in populated MMOs.

But there’s a difference between “Boosts exist” and “Boosts Exists… and every high pop server has a nonstop torrent of nothing BUT boost spam in major public chat channels and the group finding tool at a price easily obtainable via microtransactions”.

Boosting Communities are being run as literal businesses with paid positions and commissions for securing sales and all of it has RMT out the back end. It’s insane.

What you’re saying is the same as the “Boosts were around in Vanilla too” argument. Yes. They were. But it was negligible in comparison to what it has become. On most servers, it didn’t exist at all. I didn’t see a single carry ad on my high pop server until WoD. And even then, it was a single guild at the tail end of the expansion for the last raid.

Carries existing isn’t a big deal.

Carries being normalized as part of the endgame ecosystem is a big deal.

And that’s what’s happened with WoW over the last handful of years.

It shouldn’t be in question if someone earned their own gear, achievements, titles, etc. It should be assumed that if they have something, they worked for it. We’re at a point where that is no longer a safe assumption, and it diminishes the accomplishments of those who do work for said rewards, among other issues.


Well it lets some play “for free” so it has that. Not gonna argue the semantics of for free. Some people good at gold making…it being $20 is a non factor really. hah they “paid more”. no…they are good at AH and spent 1 or 2 days more there to make the 200Kish. they were there anyway.

Classic then tbcc showed tokenless ain’t much better. Repeated the sins of the first releases.

Since unless daft enough to use a “provider” who straight up mails you 500 gold to be obvious as hell…selling 1 leather (just 1, not 1000) for 500 gold was/is/will be still a thing.

This has a fix no one wants. No more free market. Only way to fix that setup is capped pricing. BLizzard deems item can only be 100% markup…so be it.

that means a boe venders deems is worth 40 silver can only ever be sold at 80 silver max.

That…hurts alot of peoples wallets. Ergo it’s not happening.

“I play for myself.” Well said. Let’s be friends.

Its why the token should be capped at something realistic maybe 30k. Roughly 1k needed a day. Sellers would disappear overnight.

It’s helped me, and many like me, to be able to continue playing. Does that count?

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Is that all you can do? Put other people down? How fragile is your ego?

you know you don’t have to use any of those things, right?


Boosting’s fine. If I want to pay someone gold to carry me through herald of the titans, why is that your concern?

My ego isn’t fragile at all.

Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.

Your post history says otherwise.

Join the growing club, man. I stopped the auto-renew of my sub a couple of weeks ago, and I have no future plans to start it back up again. I never got past level 56 in Shadowlands, and I honestly don’t feel like I’m missing anything.

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You will take their raid spot. OR something like that.

I personally say if a carried took a spot it means they have the sklll to do so. they were jsut lacking gear or a raider io for some reason. Newer made char/alt as an example.

Why I “enjoy” this system and the fun debates it caused in some guilds. Number 2 was better number 1. But…they lacked gear. So number 1 was number 1 off gear. and the guild going off raiderio only. But the score is better! Dudes…you want number 2 and take the slightly less dps off gear.

Why I don’t do serious guilds here. Some I found it hard to take them seriously lol.

An odd system coming to me coming from eve for many years. We jsut go buy our stuff. Hell our group pve can demand THEship and its fit modules. Don’t have it? Go buy it.

when I lived in wormholes fleet based massive clear ops were THE fleet fit. No exceptions. fleet had a strat in mind, needed the One setup.

A system I like more. we don’t do I am number 1, you are number 2. We are more…we just want this done so we get paid. 30 minutes faster means done sooner. Fast clears, no blow ups? That is a very good day.

Yes because someone’s posts clearly show someone’s fragile ego.


You shouldn’t take the forums so seriously

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Good luck finding any game that doesn’t need money to run its servers, pay its employees, pay its developers, pay its advertisers, and pay its investors.
Do you not think it costs Blizzard money when they have to repair their servers, develop their games, fix DDOS attacks, among other things?

I buy wow tokens. I’ve bought boosting in the past. I’ve bought every story mount and pet.
And I pay for two accounts per month. Oh yeah, I forget I work hard for my money, and I’d rather spend it the way I see fit after I pay all of my bills, and buy food, vet care, and toys for myself and my rescue dogs.
And oh yeah, I just got a smoking deal for a computer my coworker friend built for me that I paid $3716 for, that’s worth $4400. I bought a $1100 48’ 4k OLED LG tv a month ago to use as my monitor for gaming.
I work for all of it. I also donate to St. Jude’s Children’s hospital. Doing what we want with “OUR” money, and Blizzard selling tokens, boosts, and store items is not in one way “perverted.”
I’ve been working in IT for over 25 years, so I absolutely understand why gaming companies sell what the sell to make money.
I don’t have a problem with it whatsoever. I buy alot of goodies in a lot of games that I play besides WoW.

Back in 2005 one of my friends bought 900 gold with his mom’s credit card for an epic mount.

All you do is talk down to people who don’t agree with you.

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