Unsubbed until destro gets substantial buffs

? Aff was one of the best (at least top half) raid specs in both Nathria and Uldir with Destro having a standing on specific bosses similar to Kurog. The issue right now is getting a warlock to Kurog since they are pretty bad on ever fight up to him regardless of what spec you play.

people need to uninstall Details and recount and just play the class cause they find it fun, not because they need to top dps chats 24/7

That only works if Blizzard removes any semblance of a dps check in the game.

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With how fast i feel on my enhance shaman compaired to when i play casters, i feel like casters ESP. destro need a base haste/cast speed buff. This isnt slowcraft anymore

…which Frost?

Considering my friend thats a top 50 US lock is saying he got more of a ST buff than was expecting ill take his opinion over anyones lol.

You do take psychic link.

I think its just a You issue


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Does matter , since other classes get to be on top… even blizz said that… every expack they change who is on top, you must be new lol

Precisely. And Locks were on top last expac.

Mages we’re consistently on top for like 4-5 expacs in a row and the one time they didn’t have a spec in the top 3 for a change, they all claimed Blizzard hated the class (even after 10 years of being the golden class)

Just rogue, Windwalker, and Enhancement. Havoc is busted in keys, though.

I know you are but what am I?

Its harder to play melee, and range dont have to deal with half of M+ affix and mob mechs

So for normal people is destro really even that bad right now?

I never believe anything and assume it’s all hyperbole

Nah. Wish I had more to add, but it just isn’t that bad.

It’s actually really bad, you can switch to demo and your damage will sky rocket in single target. Destro shines in specific cleave situations, but even then it still gets out damaged because outside of certain CDs it simply doesn’t scale well.

Most recent logs: Dragonflight DPS Log Rankings for Vault of the Incarnates: Week 3

  • Conflagrate damage increased by 10%. This change does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Immolate damage increased by 10%. This change does not apply to PvP combat.
  • Incinerate damage increased by 15%. This change does not apply to PvP combat.

Looks like destro is largely unchanged for PVP. Sad times.

yeah my 2s partner is surv. We both dabble in PVE and he says exactly this: The spec is very fun in pvp, even if trash in pve

Sorry but Blizzard already warned you when you got the Game from their ESRB and the back of my Original CD Box:

Game Experience May Change During Online Play

Working as Intended.

Less whining now, more Pew Pewing

LOL no its not. Melee is the easiest role in the game.

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