Unsubbed until destro gets substantial buffs

If this existed, Outlaw, Havoc and BM would be the three worst specs in the game.


Normally I would sympathize, but for a Warlock? Sorry, man, if you only like Destro when it’s doing well, you never liked Destro. Find a new class or actually unsub.

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Was it that destro was actually bad, or was it that all the good players were playing aff, which makes the gap look bigger than it actually was?

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Buff blood Death Knights.

A travesty that warriors are better.

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you went from being the best tank by not even close to the 2nd best, and you’re complaining?

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If you aren’t the best then it isn’t good enough.

There can only be one King and I would rather be King than Prince.

Worked out well enough for Arthas.

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It’s just that when something is as far ahead as blood was in SL S3/S4, it tends to get dumpstered to near the bottom of the pile in the next patch.

you got off light.

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Buffing the damage of abilities that do no damage doesn’t do anything. Wow they buff X ability by 20%!!! Oh it only makes up for 5% of your damage so it’s a 1% overall buff…woooo…

The only SPriest buff that matters on the list they got is DP. Mind Blast and Mind Flay do such low damage that buffing them by 15% doesn’t do anything. Mind Blast does such little damage you don’t take the talent that makes it cleave on 8 targets in AoE despite pathing right next to it.

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Tell me you don’t play Spriest without telling me you don’t play Spriest.


having more than 1 target ain’t that rare bud.

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If you fully invest in the nonsense minmax st build with all the garbage buttons, yes, they do decent damage and I am being slightly disengious. I would wager though an overwhelming majority of the SPriest playerbase wished that build didn’t exist at all and wasn’t the balancing lever.

Mind Spike and Mind Flay should have been mutually exclusive filler spells, but they aren’t so the raid build takes both and you are stuck with a clunky mess that “does damage” so you have to play it. That is what needs to be addressed first.

Affliction made it 2 weeks on Alpha before getting reworked out of their like 15 button rotation yet Shadow never got that change.

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Both builds have high MB damage, and one of them has high MF:I damage.



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Except even in those scenarios…Destro still sucks. Destro has ONE good fight in Kurog where it is still behind several other specs. Oh boy in perfect scenarios you get to be middle of the pack, but in literally every other fight style you compete with tanks!

Council is a fight with the possibility to Havoc on cooldown and you are still bottom of the barrel because everyone else does better on 4 targets than you. If you need a fight to be exactly 2 target spread cleave to remotely function, your spec needs redesigned, but that has been Destro’s flaw in raid for a decade now. Destro forever being the weird family member of warlocks only brought out of the basement once a tier while aff/demo can function in society the remaining 90%.

I played Warlock all throughout BFA, and sure you had your Vectus, Azsharan Council, Carapace, or even Mekkatorque (could Havoc bots for shards and Flashpoint uptime), but you were actually griefing your group if you didn’t play Aff/Demo on fights like Mythtrax or Ashvane which were mainly ST. The worst part is it isn’t even like Aff/Demo were BAD in the fights you are good at or at least not nearly to the extent of how useless Destro is in pure ST.

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oh I’m not questioning that

I was more confused by OPs use of “rare”

There’s not many fights that are purely single target. There’s usually adds or a second boss.

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I do believe what they’re calling rare is shared health bosses.

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should post link instead of screenshot so ppl can see what parameters are used and the up to date version.

last time i checked outlaw rogue was now 5th

i feel like youre being disingenuous just because you used a screenie instead of the actual link lol

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Except it needs to be exactly 1 extra target. If you get into more than that you are usually worse than Demo again since Demo typically does more in stacked AoE (barring S3/4 SL). We see that on Primal Council right now.

It also needs to live long enough for a Havoc window. I HESITANTLY put Vectus on the list above because during prog the add usually died too fast for me to get value out of it ESPECIALLY through Flashpoint since it sometimes dropped below 80% before Immolate ticked once (still don’t know why Flashpoint didn’t count the initial hit).

The point is you should get more than one boss a tier to be above bottom half. Yes, some specs have it worse at times, but Destro is such an unbelievably polarizing spec that’s viability is entirely reliant on fight design. When Destro is GOOD it is usually still only for half the fights tops. Meanwhile when specs like Outlaw are good it is for every single fight in the tier unless one is especially anti-melee.

destro scales with gear, always has. play a different spec until destro hits its power curve. demo is right where its suppsoed to be. plus there are lock buffs incoming in 10.0.5

From one warlock player to another, you should know by now that warlock sucking at the start of an expansion is a time-honored tradition.

UnSuBbIng UnTiL ThEy StOp NeRfInG RoGuEs!

theyll never care about rants like these. sry.

everyone gets upset at nerfs/lack of buffs. theyre not gonna bend the knees for each of our complains :wink:

i understand how you feel though. if something makes me quit the game its gonna be lack of balance and or the questionable nerfs.

when i do quit because of it i’ll do it in silence and i’ll already be on another game/forum the next day.