Unsubbed until destro gets substantial buffs

For raiding it was, and to an extent still is, harder to stay alive than ranged. So much so that blizz deliberately started adding a lot of ranged-specific mechanics in shadowlands. Top guilds were all making videos about how they only take melee when they have to.

So yeah I didn’t even know what those raids were and had to look them up, since I kind of started giving up on the game around BFA, only playing BFA on and off while outright bailing on Shadowlands.

Okay, for the pedants, “Warlocks sucking at the start of most expansions is a time-honored tradition.” Happy now? :smiley:

They use to only take melee because ranged had an easier time doing the ranged mechanics.

Playing a melee and dealing with melee mechanics compared to ranged mechanics is 100% easier as melee.

Skolex was a perfect example because it showed how easy melee have it and when they actually got a decent mechanic to deal with a lot of the struggles.

LOOOL no it isn’t. Melee doesn’t have to deal with long cast times, silence/interrupt, and being stationary while attacking. Shorter range is a pretty good tradeoff imo.

30% of melees damage is automatic lmao

Im sure says the priest lol
 i like how all the range is saying melee is easy lol

okay melee can be hard, but bro imagine the feeling of knowing your class inside and out and still being screwed over by bad design lmao

Yea i know the feeling 
 i played SL

I hav raided mythic on rogue and warrior.

Good thing people have these things called Alts.

I know everyone posts on alt

I started SL maining rogue.

Melee is by far easier.

Ah yes, the new definition of stationary: chasing adds all over the place, losing uptime when switching targets, having to do more than just side step to avoid a mechanic.

Your opinion , just cuz you did some content dosent mean your opinion is anymore valid than mine

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Thats actually credible.

Considering I have played both melee and ranged to high levels of content I would disagree.

Except this is a video game, not a sports league where you set the bar.


Lmao i know right he raided mythic raids so hes a big shot in a video game so what he says is in gold lmao 
 I have KSM and i also played melee and ranged

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I mean if you actually play a ranged class consistently, it does get frustrating when theres any form of movement, especially warlock in particular, ESPECIALLY destro in particular where its all hard casts. Your damage tanks hard, while melee can continue to mongoloid.

Well what about when melee has to run out of aoe and then run back, range just hard dps on that

Lol buying it doesn’t count.

I have KsM on melee and ranged as well.

Melee is by far easier.

That’s literally the only main mechanic that melee deal with and depending on what it is the tank pulls the group out of the effect and melee keep dpsing.