Pray it dies so we can break free of this type of MMO design.
To be honest, I am also thinking about unsubbing. They’ve pretty much ruined mythic+ with the loot changes. Not to mention they refuse to make all specs good at it. Covenants are broken and make some specs bonkers. Yeah, overall shadow lands just another disaster expansion from blizzard. Unrefined ideas that take the entire expansion to iron out and then by then they abandon them.
People are funny. It’s not like the vault wasn’t always the highest ilvl reward from M+ since it’s conception or anything. It’s only been improved by giving more options.
Also the loot decrease was literally one piece in M+ and people be acting like it’s the end of the world and noone is getting anything.
I swear due to the previous loot system people only see gear if it has BiS stats, and if something drops but it isn’t what they need right now they just dismiss it and think “nothing dropped”.
If you do 10 M+ runs on average you are getting 4 drops, plus a guaranteed choice of 3 from the cache.
Or if you’re unlucky, 0 upgrades a week. Personally, going 3 weeks of raiding/mythics/vault and getting no upgrades has immediately ended any interest I had in gearing up this patch, hopefully they end the loot experiment by the next tier.
How geared were you in the first week that you haven’t received any upgrades in 3 weeks?
Raid cache drops equivalent ilvl, mythic quest offered heroic equivalent, M+ cache gives significantly higher than your key, and if your only doing normal content TW also offered a normal equivalent piece as well 3 world bosses.
Are you just decked out in rival+ PvP gear or something? Or not unlocking more than one cache option each week?
It’s highly unusual that you would get so many opportunities of equal or higher ilvl gear and not have a single one an upgrade.
My sub runs out in 4 days, and this is the FIRST time in 8 years i’m considering staying ubsubbed for good.
Shadowlands is NOT fun, typically if pvp is bad and unbalanced i fall back on pve content and still enjoy the game, i cant eve do that here.
Either you’re the luckiest person in the game because NO WAY I’m getting 4 drops on 10 runs
The storyline is beyond repair but what can you do.
FIX LEGION RAID SCALING. Level 60s should be BLAZING through Legion content. Right now the Legion raid bosses are way to durable, level 60 characters should be doing way more damage to them!
I do feel like there are a lot of unnecessary things added to waste time. Conduits have to be brought all the way back to covenants and used at the forge of bonds. Why is this a thing? It should just automatically upgrade your skill when you get it. I also don’t like going back to put anima in the reserve. It also takes up inventory space. Flying through Oribos, also annoying. Why aren’t there portals from Oribos to the covenant zones? I know our transport system is going to give us a portal, but I still have to fly through Oribos every time I want to go somewhere other than my covenant zone.
I ran 36 floors of Torghast and TC this week just for the story quest and weekly soul ash. ZzZz Seriously, how many floors for next week? My sub is done in two days. Idk if I want to renew it. Ffxiv has their 5.41 Ishgard restoration patch next Tuesday. I never unsub to ffxiv. WoW is my side thing.
I’m sad because I really want to like shadowlands. I want to play it. I want to see the story. A lot of things seem bugged or incomplete, like mission tables and WQs. I even had to reset my night fae covenant quest because it was bugged during the souleater quest. I felt legion class halls were so much better.
I wonder if between classic WoW and the new BC, e-sports, and this xpan if the developers are spread thin with budget and/or time.
It’s just basic maths mate. 2 pieces per run, 10 runs. That’s 20 drops.
Dungeon group size is 5 people. 20 / 5 is 4.
On average over 10 runs you get 4 pieces.
Math must be off because I’m getting no where near 4 loot per 10 m+ runs.
Not even close to that. I ran 8 m+ this week already and received 1 chest piece which was a down grade.
Is everyone getting 4 drops in 10 m+ runs for yourselves? I must be the only person who’s not
Did Normal cn 3/10 7/10 10/10 and will do some more tomorrow received a cape which was the same one from the vault a few weeks ago.
My record was 7 keys in a row with the same people and 0 drops. I got like 3 world quests worth of anima though. Totally worth it.
This is my normal experience I don’t know how that guy is getting 4 drops for himself in 10 runs. If that was the case I wouldn’t even be complaining.
That is not the way i see it at all in my mind if your not regretting it imho you would not have made this post op in the first place.
It’s called RNG. I layed the math out for you. Some people might be getting 5, others 3, some 6, others 2. That’s how RNG has always been.
But on average it’s 4 drops per player.
What’s the point of getting all the extra gear and really learning my class to go into torghast for the main story to get destroyed on the 12th level. Why does this keep happening. Why do we always have to get completely screwed. I’m sorry blizzard I was loving the game and the story and now i just feel like i have to get on complete some chores and then go into torghast and get owned.
Sir. This is an MMO Forum, not an airport. There is no need to announce your departure.
I sure am glad I skipped this expansion and did not cave to the early honeymoon comments. You really find out if the game is fun after about a month or 2 of gameplay. Saved me the money which I spent on another game. All I am doing is leveling all my alts to 50 then leaving the game until I see something that is fun to play. Shadowlands sounds like it is boring and just for the addicted players that can’t quit because they are addicted or feel like they got too much invested and keep playing out of some sort of obligation. I saw this coming just from what I saw in beta.
It coulda been really fun.
Right now the OP does make some good points.
The story is so time gated it does feel like a Saturday morning short cartoon show every week.
The convoluted path ways, the longgggg flight to everywhere because you have to go through oribos. The m+ loot drought, raid loot drought, TW raid loot nerf, even the maw kills you if you stay long enough to stop you from exploring it all on your time.
This entire xpac just screams “you will do 1 month content in 6 months, not because you want to, but I will milk you for it”
In a group of same people, maybe? But that’s not how rng works in WoW. The same group could run 10 dungeons and you could miss out every time while everyone else gets the two peices per run. RNG is based on per run, regardless of how many runs are done.