Unsubbed and not regretting it

All pretty good points except for the overtuned content. Nothing really feels overtuned at all to me. There are varying levels of everything, so you can always do easier difficulties if things are too hard for you.

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This is how I feel right now. Going to make a post myself

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But bfa dropped


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im not a crazy player.

ive done up to mythic 8, cleared normal castle nathria twice and a crap ton of M+.

I have 3 accounts between myself, my wife (who no longer plays either), and my cousin (who literally just started back up a few days ago).

I think the game is great so far. sorry you aren’t enjoying it. Maybe MMO isn’t for you? Maybe try sticking to single player games? Maybe Wizard 101?

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Don’t forget the story that’s actually interesting and meaningful.

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I pretty much disagree with everything you said, except we need more flight paths and graveyards. Bastion is just odd with two options for flight paths that are separate.

I would say that it’s more of an issue of untested content. This expansion has had, in my playing experience, more problems with the overall playability of the content. Bugs, overtuning, undertuning, scaling, etc. I don’t think they got the speed of gearing up matched up well with the content level. Assume it has something to do with the level squish, but that should have been resolved months ago pre-release. And I fully expect this to be the norm of released content from here out.

“Doesn’t kill the game engine when added? Good! Drop it in, look at the numbers/bugs/feedback, and adjust it accordingly.”

You can say that happens with every piece of software released, but this time around it just looks so unpolished that it appears dull.

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“you havent done it all until youve done the same thing 16 different times”

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So you want Blizz to create DIFFERENT content and stories for each of your Alts?

These 2 right here are killing this expansion for me.

Upgrades from M+ are so few and far between its killed any desire ive had to do them at this point and spending hours just collecting 35 anima from each makes it abundantly clear I am wasting my time on something that aggravates me.

The slow trickle story has also lost my interest. “The Jailer” is corny, “The Night Warrior” is corny, the Jailer just casually letting you trek through his castle is dumb, the fact that he doesnt put any guards on the only entrance/exit to his domain is incredibly stupid, Sylvanas’ lack of peripheral vision is a head scratcher…

Idek man. If it wasnt for my friends playing id prolly unsub. Blizzard wants this expansion to go at a monotonous pace which leads me to believe this just isnt the expac for me.

Stopping doing the Maw about 2.5 weeks ago, dont really do callings anymore either, my renown isnt caught up, etc…


I don’t necessarily enjoy that they put some interesting story moments behind the covenant campaigns. That’s a story gripe I have as I now ‘have’ to go do all the different campaigns to experience everything that is going on. It’d be one thing if it pertained only to the Night Fae and their internal struggles, but it’s another when it has fun characters in it that tell me a bit more about what in the world is going on.

It’s kind of cool to get something though for joining that campaign and doing the story that fills in a gap, but yeah just sucks it wasn’t a part of the normal questing too.

I’ve hit the point where even the voice acting seems directed to extend dialogue times, like, every character has teh same slow heavy delivery. And then quests that have you slow-walk doing things…

I’m actually happy so much story is locked into covenants, because it means I can happily skip 3/4 of the narrative.


People complained about “forced content.” This game’s story has never been very good and people who raid log or sit in town and queue 3’s have no interest in doing story content. This is the compromise.

Players wanted loot to be “mEAniNGFul” again. Yay, they did it!

Disagree. PvP and raiding are now the primary sources of gear. PvP is especially lucrative. The Vault is bad luck protection.

Again, a compromise between players who want classic style and those who want modern convience.


And yet there are always half a dozen threads complaining about casuals being insurmountably behind already or how the game is not alt friendly enough…

Blizzard, you won, I am not renewing the sub tomorrow.

Thank you for giving me my time back, I have things to accomplish this year.


You cant please everyone , here’s a wake up call for you, when the game had no time gating everyone completed all the content in 2 days and then whined about * moar content* also nothing is actually timegated besides the main story and lfr… people saying they want bfa over this ? Lol then see ya. Pretty sure wow is the best it’s been in years I hope they keep this way of things going.

Sub runs out in 3 days and I unsubbed weeks ago. Been looking for a reason to renew it, but between all the bugs, lag, lack of anything truly new this expansion, and design choices meant to stretch content at the expense of actual fun (like the 18 floors of trash mobs in Twisting Corridors), I am not seeing a good reason to.

Much of the game design nowadays, as others have noted, is to make you feel bad about not being subbed. “Oh you wanna unsub? The peon is crying… and you won’t get the time gated currencies you want for when you come back. What a shame.”


Yeah the artificial slow down is really apparent in some world quests. Like that Ardenweald one where you turn into a fairy and have to compete with your own faction for rare spawns of Drust or whatever. It’s a 30 second quest that is stretched out in an incredibly tedious and annoying manner.

I made a thread about how this expansion seems significantly smaller with less content than previous ones. I definitely agree that they are developing less and just stretching it out with, for example, the only unpopular thing from Classic like competing with your own faction.


That just makes my morning thank you.

I find this very hilarious and funny.

People scream doom and gloom and you find some people mitigating the problem as if it doesn’t exist.