You should always unsub when you are not enjoying the game. In fact, you should only pay one month at a time and just buy another month if you are still having a good time.
I can’t remember the last time I played more than a few months in a row, and it makes things much more enjoyable.
I don’t expect a literary masterpiece but a lot of the writing lately is like a Saturday morning cartoon being re-written to be edgy by a group of teenagers who write poems about how their heart of ice is so cold its hot.
I honestly can’t decide. I tell myself I want to play then after an hour I’m like why am I wasting my time I don’t want to do this stuff.
I do Torghast just enough to get the souls ash and the story quests and I have to plan for that to be my final activity before I’m gonna log off because I have no interest in playing after being in there.
I kind of think maybe this expansion just isn’t for me. Played the game for too many years. We’ll see I have just under 2 months sub time left to figure it out.
Yea I said, if you want to minimize the effort, then minimize cost. I can go on steam and do the same in games that don’t even require subs lol For all the skeptics of those who say it’s bad, you will say I would have to pay to essentially be anywhere near a high level to function, but isn’t that what SL has become? Even classic is flooded with boosts and sales to maximize a toon in less time, through mass amounts of gold.
I’m not finding the content to be “overtuned” at all. It’s actually easier than BfA was at this point. I am noticing a lot of people really taking their time getting geared though, so I keep having to run Heroics with 190 gear with my in-game friends. Maybe it’s a class design issue? I would describe myself as semi-casual, I just hit 20 renown and got my legendary this past week.
I actually love questing in ESO, I really can’t stand it in WoW, but in SL I’m forced to do it before I can pick a covenant and get legendaries and stuff.
One of the only things that keeps me subbed is the fact that I purchased it in advance. My mistake.
I know this isn’t true, but it seems like Blizzard took all of the complaints folks had and decided to implement them even worse so that we’d stop complaining about them. I feel like the end goal is that when they fix these problems we’ll be so happy we’re going to extol their virtues.
You don’t like not being able to fly in zones? Now you can’t even mount, unless you pull a GTA and jack someone’s ride for a short while. Or go through 144 floors of Torghast (now).
Don’t like time-gated content? Your entire storyline is locked behind renown and you get bite-sized pieces per week. And if you go into the Maw and spend too much time exploring, someone’s going to flat out kill you.
Don’t want to perpetually grind? Here’s anima. It’ll cost about 10 million of it to purchase everything available including building upgrades, gear, mounts, and cosmetics. Enjoy grinding that out by the end of expansion.
Don’t want systems that require you to perpetually travel to some place just to make changes to our already overly complicated systems of borrowed power? Soulbinds and conduits will make you regret saying anything.
Don’t want to consistently be forced to “waste time” doing simple fetch tasks? Any anima you get has to be deposited manually into your covenant. Also, you have to go back to your covenant to go pick up your callings every day - emissary quests were just too easy. And every trip requires a long flight path. But if you farm ~30k anima, you can spend it just to be able to portal back to the main city!
Don’t like being forced to go to a quest spot and then spend a ton of time going back to turn it in, only to be told to go back to the same area, over and over again? Well, let’s double down on that, say goodbye to your flight whistle!
Don’t like being forced to run Raids, M+, PVP, Visions, and whatever else, just so you can get items you can use for your content of choice? Now you don’t have to worry about it, you’ll almost never get loot beyond a tiny amount of anima, but at the end of the week you’ll get to pick one item you may be able to use! If not, here’s some stygia!
Don’t like feeling like you can’t play alts without hurting your main dramatically? Here’s a never-ending grind of anima just to allow you to expand your covenant and see the new features. Also, to have the maximum variety in your vault, you’ll have to down enough PVP, down 10 raid bosses, and run at least 10 mythic keys. The quality of items though will be based on the difficulty of arbitrary number of content done, so don’t expect it to offset the fact you’ll get no gear from running the content.
I don’t like “I’m unsubbing” threads - but OP has some pretty valid points. In the Beta (more like Alpha) testing everyone pointed out some of the basic flaws. Then we noticed things were worse than expected when it went live.