I think it was to me
And i really want more of that feedback. If you go through my post history i am more than happy to say what i appreciate about the new game.
Hang on, let me link the most recent post on it:
I think, bottom of my heart that ion is a great dev. I think he’s in his head trying to solve the problems the community had with bfa (but i also think hes drawing off of a narrow range of opinions that are myopic). I just think people who come to the game saying ‘i love it’ should take a tiny second to think 'i wonder if these convenience changes which turns this game into a world of instance-craft might like to perhaps look at us terrible players (like preach did around 6.1 by the way) and say ‘oh, my games awesome! Thank god my games awesome. Id hate to be someone who didnt raid though…’ and spare even the tiniest of thoughts for our gameplay instead of demanding we all mass unsub. Because we’re probably gonna. And that sucks (not only for you when the pendulum swings back, but also for us when we just dont feel it the next time we get burned).