Unreal... this has to be patched! Weapons of conquest quest

I wonder how many people like me picked up the weapons of war quest to get our pvp weapon and had earned 2200 conquest thus far, then abadobed the quest thinking that was the way to switch weapon specs. I thought my conquest would be tracked. Instead all my conquest was removed as if I hadnt completed anything. This could easily be fixed in a number of ways but the best would be:

Make the quest track what you have already earned this season and simply apply it so everyone who abandoned the quest or didnt realize they needed to accept it can get the credit for their hard work and a weapon at the same time as everyone else.

This is the most gut wrenching thing that has happened to me in wow so far. Please fix this for the thousands of people this is aurely affecting.


You can move this to the bug report forum yourself with the pencil icon in your opening post.

If you have further feedback you can also post on the relevant forums like Arenas/BG’s etc about how Blizz can improve the quest.

As an aside point, the quest is being removed and made into an achievement.

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Honestly killed my entire vibe and I dont even feel like playing.

This could also be “fixed” by several other ways to make it so that people like me dont have to suffer, if Blizz insists on keeping this quest’s functionality.

This is a major piece of gear and like the tier pieces there should be a warning when trying to abandon the quest that clearly states that will lose all progess if you abandon the quest.

The other fix would be to supply classes who have different specs, needing different weapons will ALL the weapons they need thus eliminating the need to think you might have to abadon the quest to change specializations.

Seems like fixing this quest wouls only take a couple lines of code and a few minutes?


you never had to abandon the quest if you wanted to change specializations. if you changed specs the quest automatically adjusted to give rewards suitable for that spec

Wow. The achievement is bugged. Just hit 2600+ conquest and no achievement unlock xD


Yeah same for me.

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Same, hit 2600 and no achievement.


Same. Totally bugged. What a let down ;(

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same here over 2600 and no achievement! cant get the weapon :frowning:

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Same here, at least the quest would have registered.

Ugh- Yup it’s bugged. Such BS.

I didn’t delete anything. I signed on today and my quest was GONE. I got the other three hundred conquest and then didn’t get the achievement. This had better NOT be true, because they deleted my quest. Not me.

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As I posted before, it was intended that the quest be deleted as Blizzard removed it from the game.

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This achievement is bugged. I had 2200 conquest yesterday. Signed on today and the quest was gone. I got over 300 conquest today, for a total of over 2500 conquest for this season and the achievement is still greyed out. I got nothing.


Okay, so the achievement was bugged for me. I was well over 2500 conquest. I kept doing BGs until I maxed conquest and I eventually got the achievement.

It’s weird because I picked up the original quest before I started earning Conquest so not quite sure what happened. So, if you have the issue, try earning some more conquest.

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same for me. This sucks

got the achievement but was never sent the tokens

this made me not really want to play anymore after waiting all week for my pvp weapons only to not even receive the achievement way after the 2500 mark

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I’m having the exact same issue. I’m over 2500 conquest points, but the achievement is not triggering.

I’ve tried relogging, I’ve tried earning additional conquest, but nothing seems to be triggering the achievement. Very disappointing. So many issues lately – good thing I only sub’d for a single month, lol.