Unreal... this has to be patched! Weapons of conquest quest

Did the same for me on both toons

I never saw the achievement, but I had tokens in the mail

i honestly agree im thinking of just unsub after this month and going back to ESOā€¦ i had 1k conquest saved un used for a item but logged on with 0 which P!ssed me off seeing i could of just used it on a different item if i known this was gonna happenā€¦ no mmo should be a grind like thisā€¦

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Yes, they removed the quest from the game and we were supposed to get the achievement at 2500 conquest. I still donā€™t have the achievement with 2620 conquest. Itā€™s bugged. So, the quest theyā€™re giving next week is useless to those of us whom have no achievement even though we completed it.


Yep had 2200 conquest last night after i logged off hoping to finish todayā€¦Got over 2600+ total today and no achievement nor token. I just wanted my bow blizzard common mannnn

Took three hours and being nearly capped before the achievement popped up at random while I was farming disturbed earth.

It doesnā€™t seem to be counting some conquest earned, I guess. I got the achievement after reaching 2778 conquest earned (from a quest).

PSA - The 175 conquest for the weekly of winning 4 battlegrounds DOES NOT count toward the achievement. You will be awarded the achievement and get your tokens in the mailbox once you hit 2675 conquest or more (2675 - 175 = 2500).

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Frustratingā€¦ I have 2800 for the week, not counting what I got last weekā€¦ No Achievement completionā€¦

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I bought two weapons with saved conquest points for two weeksā€¦ Not refundableā€¦

When I have earned 2500 conquest points, there is no token issued or any notice there will be to warn me not buy the weapon with conquest points.

It is Not respecting playerā€™s time spent, I canā€™t believe it is done this way. Unsubscribe and will never play again.

The weekly quest that gives 175 conquest does not count towards the season total, so you need 2675 instead of 2500. Try getting more conquest and it should unlock.

Just hit 2600 and achievement isnā€™t registering. WTF blizz? This is a big dealā€¦

yep quest would of worked fine but lets change it to an achievement so it bugs and doesnt work correctly lol

same here do i have to wait another week because i did the WG quest and the weekly? like wtf

I hope you already reported that bug.