Unprunning was a bad idea

Yup, if people aren’t comfortable with more spells they don’t want to use there’s always this option.

Now could they be smarter with how they unpruned? Of course, I’m still not entirely sure they understand why people missed certain abilities or why they like the flavor stuff. But if you don’t plan on using an ability then just don’t .

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You could weapon swap there just isn’t a lot of point. Arcane Shot doesn’t hit very hard for Survival and we already have a few other ranged attacks we can instantly use without needing to weapon swap.

It’s even worse for Steady Shot since I have to swap weapons and then do a 1.8 second cast time for something that hits about twice as hard as 1 tick of Serpent Sting.

Main class checks out

Yeah i’m on PTR and two things i’m finding weird that completely clashes with what i feel they’re trying to do with Surv.

One, Aspect of the Eagle is still a thing, without it, you’d potentially have some situations where Steady/Arcane shot could be useful.

2 : Kill Shot/Tranq Shot doesn’t require a Ranged weapon while still maintaining a 40 yards range. It makes no sense.

Survival looks and feel like its still stuck in Alpha, and AFAIK it was never changed at all during the whole testing process so we’re looking at either an impending revamp or a WoD Demo Lock scenario where devs will just eventually come out saying “we ran out of time to fix this, just don’t play it”.

Wait people dislike having more options because… it’s hard to manage keybinds?


I love situational niche spells. Widens the skill gap.


I’m happy about the unpruning. I hope they add more abilities.

I really hope they re-merge feral and guardian. This 4 spec thing is really dumb.


Challenge accepted. I’m such a bad player, that even the easiest class i’m terrible on.

that being said, while i haven’t really tested anything on the PTR (got too caught up in causing chaos and destruction as well as playing with customization options) I like unpruning. lichbborne self healing ftw.

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I felt really cheated when they switched some standard abilities to pvp talents.

Sure, maybe people didnt use them all the time, but I liked having all those fun abilities. Im glad to get some of them back. Un-prune unique stuff


This x100000000000000000000


So you’re saying we should have all talents active and not have to choose one from three options available?

I think you’re missing the point.

Really want disarm baseline for warriors again along with stances.

Also remove all golf swing animations, they look awful.

I remember back when they pruned out a bunch of skills/spells and all the, “I’m a skilled player because I have 40 buttons but only use 9.” players came to the forums and got all upset.

Please don’t put words in my mouth. I simply said other game’s already take the approach of your preference to skill selection. If you enjoy that approach to skills there exist for you options which use the approach you prefer.

I did not once mention talents in any way, shape, or form. Bringing it up as if I did or as if it’s relevant to either of our preferences on skill availability and design is just a red herring.

says 30 keybinds

plays dh



I think whatever joy we have with unpruning is tainted by gcds.

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I wonder when you’re ever going to realize that you are the living antithesis of World of Warcraft.


I find it funny the OP is a DH. But I’m also not a fan of the unpruning either. But its not as awful if blizzard gives us another action bar.

Yes for me the unprunning was a big poop

Hunters mark is VERY annoying and doesnt fit the speed of the game anymore
Having to constantly keep slice and dice on rogues is annoying as beep as well

Some specs got away like fury others got ruined

Curse of Exhaustion is kind of something Warlocks have been asking for in a long time to deal with Melee sticking to their face forever in PvP. And baseline Demonic Circle back.

Considering the circle and curses were the only thing unpruned, things that have a vast majority of their uses in PvP, seems pretty good idea to me.

i don’t like to manage 10+ keys in unholy spec, watch two or three debuffs on the target, use certain skills only in procs window like fastermight procs…

…and the frost spec have only 3~4 keys to press and only it.