Unpopular Opinion

Never did.

You’re calling people “sheep-chickens” and bocking at them.

Nah I’m not going to do that.

Right, you don’t have any. Oh and let me sum up your thread:

You - “Do as I say, but not as I do, because I’m going to continue to call people names, tell them to cry more and squawk about wokeness.”


Ahh, that was a little bit of an anger slip up and I did edit that out before I read this. I am human, too. Well… worgen… but you know… :wink:

Edit: I’m open to all sorts of new ideas and opinions. That’s how we grow!

The golden rule is only ever followed by a very small percentage of humanity at any given time. The vast majority of people have always been like this. You’ve just grown up, become aware of it, and become confused from the stark contrast to what you once thought the world was like. Welcome to adulthood.

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Then that’s your answer.

Deep inside, we’re all still monkeys with the primitive urge to fling our waste at each other.


Can I just be a hermit for the rest of my life while living in the Cayman Islands? lol

Being a hermit sounds nice right about now.

When they discovered that society had devolved and the critical mass were afraid of speaking up out of fear of being cancelled. Some suggest this group psychological behavior was taught in colleges but there are dissenting opinions on the origin. In the earlier days of the internet, platform and service providers tried to stay out of the troll wars. Now they cancel / shadow-b& to avoid negative press and this emboldens rage-baiters.

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You don’t know when to quit. Harassing someone when they’ve asked you to stop is like beating a dead horse.

I’m human, as we’ve established. I make mistakes. Please, leave me alone. I have blocked you. You’re still posting in here. I know that I can’t stop you. Respectfully, I am asking you to leave me alone.

I shouldn’t have to ask someone in multiple threads and in multiple posts to leave me alone. Be the bigger person. Leave me alone.

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Calling out your hypocrisy is not harassment.

Also, this isn’t Facebook. You don’t get to pick and chose who posts in a thread, even one created by you, and you don’t get the luxury of having replies that only agree with you.

Thems the breaks.

Oh and we both know you’re reading this.


Ha, you’re absolutely right. I do my best to be respectful most of the time… buuuttt no one’s perfect all of the time - try as we might. uwu

Soon, I’ll be starting on my neuroscience degree and wasting less time on WoW, I imagine. ^^; I’ve definitely wasted enough time on the game! Actually, I met my husband there, too.

A shameless plug is that he’s written several WoW parody songs for Sharm. I love her! Idk if I can post videos here, though.


Yeah me too…



idek when i started using that unironically and im kinda disappointed in myself LOL

Sorry, can’t stand Sharm’s voice. Never thought she was a good singer.

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Awww big rip! The corniest thing is that I actually met my husband, Rowan, through her parodies. Kinda. I am a nerd and I listened to others and I fell in love with his music. Saw him online in trade chat one night and told him I’d prove to him that I’m a woman LOL Yeah, it’s the most Moon Guard thing ever. But, hey, I love him very much! I understand, though, that Sharm’s style is a little niche. Personally, I don’t like Silver Letomi x_x buuut he did work with her, and Kavo. I think Kavo changed his name recently, tho

Since always.

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So, I’ve learned LOL

Also can I ride on your dino-chameleon-thing? That looks fun!

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Good job calling the hypocrite out. Look how defensive they are getting!

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I guess I would be defensive too if I was busted calling people names in one thread then turn around and wag my finger at everyone else for doing the same thing.

Dat golden rule

Side note: I think I prefer Personality A that was trying to get spicy with people instead of this Personality B that’s trying to be overly bubbly. It’s kind of creepy.

:woozy_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :mask:


Ima just use this post as a shameless plug.

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Here is advice #1:

Don’t get on soapbox about being respectful to others when you can’t even do that to other people in another thread.


I’ve already established that I am human and humans - by nature - are duplicitous creatures. If I offended anyone by jokingly calling them “chicken sheep” or w/e the term I used, I’m sorry. My intent wasn’t to offend others - just to make light of a situation instead of letting it escalate. You and that other fella gaslighting me is not going to help anything.

Please, let this go. I am willing to move on and learn from this experience.