Unpopular Opinion

When did people become so entitled that they feel their own opinions are the only ones allowed?

I am not trying to be mean or troll anyone. I can’t say the same for others.

Y’all want a better community? Treat others with respect. Don’t go off on them with insults because that’s when any fight is lost.

We are all here to relax and enjoy the gaming world. It would be a much better gaming world if people just took time to consider the human behind the character, with all their flaws. Everyone has bad days. Everyone feels down sometime. We are so much more alike than people want to admit and that is hurting humans, as a whole. You choose how you treat people. Take responsibility for your own behavior and hold yourself accountable for your part in any situation. Automatically blaming someone else causes more harm than good.

We are all gamers here. We all want a fun filled game. That can be achieved if we choose to treat people the way we would like to be treated.

When did people forget the golden rule?


6 August 1991

The day the Internet came online.




Ha, i hate that you are right about that. The bad of the internet just about outweighs all the good.

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Not sure, but I’m guessing it became a thing at some point before the people of Athens forced Socrates to drink poison.


Dang, busting out the history books on me! I guess unpopular opinions have always led to people being ostracized. The internet amplified that and gave everyone a voice.


Anonymity is the best weapon


Those unpopular opinions ….

It started the day schools started handing out participation trophies and parents started arranging “play dates” for their kids.

In my day parents kicked us out of the house until the streetlights came on and the weakest among us ended up on Unsolved Mysteries like mother nature intended.


I can be a lot nicer through anonymity. Anonymity is a personality multiplier.


Im not saying this is you OP but usually people that say this actually mean:

“I want to rant and rave and be negative without anyone challenging my opinions!”

Also opinions are fine but 99% of the time here opinions are presented as fact and have usually pre insulted anyone that may dare disagree.

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some time , pepole get a hurt felang , it makeme sad i wanna give then a hug , but u no there mad and gonna do a take on the pepole on WOW form , then get more pepole hurt felang it do more more then soprise alot of pepole jerk !


everyone changes


It’s always been that way. Tribalism is a feature, not a bug. The issue is the idea that opinions are somehow equal.

I have an unpopular onion. Make everyone cry.


I think that is the popular opinion lol


Anonymity + an audience has always produced toxicity. This is essentially what a mob is, and those have existed throughout history.

Outstanding response! :rofl:

January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet.