Unpopular Opinion

This convo has degraded. Lykanya is right. She, like many others with unpopular opinions get bashed into silence when they disagree with people. Cancel culture at its finest. Disagree with her if you wish but be respectful.

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Why don’t you tell her that?

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I suppose that you know, better than anyone, that I don’t like to be silenced LOL

Really, I didn’t mean to offend people and I’m sorry if I did. My goal, with this thread, was to kinda shine a light in the darkness that people bring to this forum. I feel like I’m not allowed to show empathy or even defend myself and that’s a problem. They are trying to shame me for having an opinion and reacting to their abusive posts. That’s not okay.

Also, I shamelessly posted some of your videos hehe

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Replace internet with social media then it’s correct.

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We are still in the age of “anything evil is cool” Jerks, trolls and treating people badly is all cool these days. I hope being a decent human makes a comeback one day soon.

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That… is a good point, actually. I… hate social media… Tbh, I was only came to the forums when I made a post about this lawsuit business and idk why I stuck around but… ig ima have to see myself out.

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Yes it was.

You were the one escalating. You were the one that started the insults and belittling people for disagreeing with Blizzard.

You have no idea what gaslighting means.

No you aren’t. You just can’t stand people disagreeing with you and immediately start attacking.


You could have showed empathy here:

The first part of this post was telling people to get over it or leave WoW.
The second part of your post is telling people to get with the program and stop crying.

That wasn’t a joke and you wouldn’t have needed to defend yourself or get your husband in here to defend you if you wouldn’t have started the fight in the first place.

And nobody is trying to shame you for having an opinion, you’re being shamed for making:


Technically it started in 1969 with the ARPANET

Lawrence Roberts was responsible for developing computer networks at ARPA, working with scientist Leonard Kleinrock. Roberts was the first person to connect two computers. When the first packet-switching network was developed in 1969, Kleinrock successfully used it to send messages to another site, and the ARPA Network—or ARPANET—was born.

Once ARPANET was up and running, it quickly expanded. By 1973, 30 academic, military and research institutions had joined the network, connecting locations including Hawaii, Norway and the UK.

As ARPANET grew, a set of rules for handling data packets needed to be put in place. In 1974, computer scientists Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf invented a new method called transmission-control protocol, popularly known as TCP/IP, which essentially allowed computers to speak the same language.

After the introduction of TCP/IP, ARPANET quickly grew to become a global interconnected network of networks, or ‘Internet’.

The ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990.


Huh, that is fascinating. Ig i never took the time to look into specifics this deep.

Showed this to my husband and he went a little deeper. My dad used to teach about ARPNET in the navy but i never knew that term, just that taught folk about computers.

Very impressive and clearly typed in completely from memory, but you missed the part where Skynet takes over.

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I don’t know why he bothered. Everyone knows Al Gore invented the internet.

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And his wife invented Music warning labels which increased sales :joy:

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An elderly Italian neighbor told me it was all a misunderstanding. You see, in Italian, dai mela (give [the] apple) sounds like dai me la (give it to me). Eve just misunderstood Adam’s intentions.

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Yeah I get that, I was mostly referring to the moment the web became public.

The issue is some people have mistaken their opinions for fact. You cannot have an opinion about a fact. If you’re wrong, you’re simply wrong. Opinions are only valid, if they’re actually subjective.

Incorrect, that’s the day people realized they can say things online they would get punched in the face or worse for in real life.

That’s actually a good point. Would any other presidential candidate in the past 200 years get away with saying half of what he said? Calling an army vet a coward because he got caught and tortured by the enemy? (After dodging the draft himself and actually bragging about it) His pantomine of a disabled person? Grab em…

The moment he got elected the entire world saw exactly what our morals are worth.

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I think it has gotten worse with time, once companies decided to listen to the loudest voice over getting an accurate assessment of the breadth of diverse opinions of their player base.

Its a problem of data (feedback) aggregation, everyones opinion is equal to everyone elses but when you aggregate opinions and trends one person shouting 10 times all of a sudden start to distort the feedback.

I agree with the sentiment of your post I just cant find any meaningful areas to discuss, sure people should treat each other with respect… what do you think a fun filled game is though? Consider that development resources are finite… the amount of times blizzard has come out and said yeah we got it wrong or ran out of time or if we had infinite resources, it really sends a negative message rippling through the community.

why did you make this post, did you feel it was important and you were entitled to post it ?

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People always forget the golden rule when they become emotionally attached to a conclusion they’ve thought through, becoming convinced they’re correct when they’ve only had a portion of the info to go on.

Can’t come to conclusions when you don’t have all the facts. Still, people do.

See it in the “news” all the time. It’s become a cultural thing now.
And it sucks.

Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we’d never had the internet.

If no one had the internet. Or computers.