Unpopular Opinion Time!

  1. Mythic raiding is the WoW equivalent of the NFL, as such the players should be professionals in a Blizz managed league. They should play a version of the game optimized for them. If they want to play casual WoW they can but it shouldn’t be the same. Mythic raids themselves shouldn’t open to the general public until two weeks after the league world first closes. I stand by this opinion as the world first race serves as a massive advertising vector for blizz.
  2. Same as the above but for MDI (TBF they basically already are already).
  3. Casuals pay for this game
  4. There is no such thing as “Welfare gear” and using the term should be (IMHO) bannable as it has seriously toxic connotations.
  5. Forcing people to be social is not an acceptable solution.

Warcraft was a God-awful movie.

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Cataclysm wasn’t that bad. It introduced two of the coolest races and revamped the entire world, dungeons and raids were fun and challenging, and the items were so cool looking.

Legion was rather boring to me, at least from an RP standpoint. everyone is the Ashbringer, everyone has the Doomhammer, everyone has the scythe of elune. And all the NPCs just spent the entire expansion sucking up to the PC, you’re best friends with Illidan. And he leaves you a love letter . It was just very weird.

Also, I loved Wrath. It was a fantastic expansion, the Scourge is amazing. But… sigh MoP was better than Wrath and BC.

I actually agree. Cata and MoP have been my favorite expansions. I did enjoy Legion, specifically the class order halls, but I had the most fun playing this game during Cata and MoP.


Dude I unironically love “How You Remind Me”

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I am pretty sure, my sweet.

We need to bring noodle carts back in the game.

You think I’m sweet?



He don’t know me very well, do he?

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Artifact Power is very good design. You can gradually work towards a goal even if you have only 20-30 minutes to play. Hardcore players can also keep grinding towards a goal. Everyone wins.

Paragon caches are great too. They keep older content relevant with cosmetic rewards.

Warfronts should have been PvP only.

Cataclysm was a good expansion.

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Everything is fine.

Is it unpopular to like Sylvanas I LIKE SYLVANAS

Also SWTOR is a contender for me when deciding if I wanna play wow it’s not as bad as people make it out to be but I do like all that cut scene stuff and am casual so eh

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I loved how difficult Cataclysm Heroic dungeons were.


Draenei would do better but I’m picky with draenei females. I only like 1 to 2 horn and hair styles.

Well, my horns were different and I had pig tails before, but that coupled with my tail waggle would have disabled this forum permanently.

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Grinding should give the same gear as mythic, but slower.

Every person should have an opportunity to earn every item, yes, regardless of skill.

If you can’t skill it, grind for it.

Yes, anything.


Player housing would not be a negative thing and would not “take away raids” as fear mongers claim. If anything I believe it would add reasons to play, island expeditions, raids, heroic and mythics could drop unique recipes or items. Heck could even add a new proffesion to craft items.


This is the best horn and hair style for female draenei and I will savagely wrestle into submission anyone that disagrees.

Don’t test me.


I disagree.

Shall we proceed to get rough and tumble with each other? I know a fantastic mud pit just outside the gates of Orgrimmar.


/Goes to rip his shirt off

Oh, right…

/savagely Spears Lucifuge

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