Unpopular Opinion Time!

Girls, girls! You’re both pretty. No need to fight.


WOAH WOAH WOAH… Go rent a room at the Lions Pride first there are youngins who might see you two!


Nyet! Not until he recants his heretical opinion!

/sits on Lucifuge

One of us is prettier and it isn’t the Orc that’s not me.

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  • BC and WotLK were the best expansions.

  • Cataclysm wasn’t a bad expansion.

  • Mists of Pandaria was a dumb idea.

  • Warlords of Draenor was worse.

  • Legion was solely designed to get players interested in the game again after the ridiculous previous two expansions.

  • Farms were a stupid chore.

  • Garrisons were a slightly less stupid chore.

  • Class Halls were a slightly less stupid chore.

  • BFA actually has the best mission-style section.

  • PVP is a mini-game, slightly above battle pets.

  • Long time sink spawns should be very limited. Remember the game WoW knocked off the MMORPG throne? EverQuest? Remember those time sinks? Don’t be stupid.

(This one will start popular and become unpopular quickly)

  • All azerite powers (and their equivalents for other specs) should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All achievements should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All mounts should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All reputations should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All quest progress should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All professions should be shared across same-faction characters.

  • All banks should be shared across same-faction characters (and massively expanded).

  • Grinding is fine but stop making players repeat the same grinds over and over again just so their alts can be playable for current content; stop making players switch characters just to craft things and mail them to alts; stop making players waste CSR time wondering why certain reputations, mounts, and achievement progress count or don’t count toward achievements

  • All of the above are better for WoW in general. CSR time is a cost-saving; char to char mail is storage (albeit tiny); avoiding repeat grinds allows players to actually play alts in other areas (such as raids, dungeons, and even mini games like PVP) making the game MORE multiplayer and interactive.

  • Grinding for pathfinder is fine (though super heavy handed) - but stop adding areas where we can’t fly though. Timeless Isles, Isle of Giants, Isle of Thunder, Argus, etc. Either embrace flying or get rid of it. In fact, just embrace flying because if you get rid of it between dying from falling damage and the massive amount of terrain to cover, you’d lose a ton of players.

  • Find a way to fix the economy so that new and/or returning players have a way to get caught up financially. Inflation in MoP/WoD/Legion make it stupid. I have friends who don’t even want to return because of how bad the money situation is.

  • The writing for the Alliance/Horde situation has always made the Horde seem bad and the Alliance seem good. Even the scenery for the Alliance is pretty and the Horde is stark and barren. The Horde has had multiple warchiefs become villains. The Alliance is full of bigoted high-horsed self-righteous idiots who are willing to shed their morals when it’s expedient and regain them when it isn’t - but the overarching theme will always be the Horde being power hungry. So don’t be surprised when we burn down a world tree or Thrall decides the entire planet should explode.

  • The Alliance always complains everything benefits the Horde.

  • More women play for the Alliance.

  • The Alliance has worse players overall (not related to women vs men).

  • More jerks play for the Horde.

Oh, and…

  • Sylvanas’ writing has not been cohesive - this has not been the plan all along - she is not a good person - and I still like her and hope they at least come up with some decent way to save the character in Shadowlands.

  • Every NPC in this game is an idiot. We know Sargeras saw that if the Void Lords via the Old Gods corrupted a World Soul then the universe was doomed. This caused Sargeras to turn to the Twisting Nether, creating the Burning Legion of demons that is trying to scour the Universe of life hoping to prevent the Void from controlling the universe. While the World Souls are Titans-in-waiting, the Old Gods are the Void Lords extension into the Universe, and we’ve fought (and beaten) a number of Old Gods. We’ve beaten back the Burning Legion of Sargeras aimed at stopping the Void Lords. We’ve stopped (numerous) Titan devices aimed at annihilating Azeroth if/when it became corrupted. And yet, nobody has thought, “Hey, let’s go find a way to stop those dastardly Void Lords that have basically been the root of every conflict we’ve had.”


I think it’s good story telling to have all the important events in WoW happen in books off screen. Seeing just the result of off screen things with no context makes me feel immersed.

You monster.


I think that those who leave mythic plus shall be locked out of all mythic plus’s until they complete a timewalking version of the occulous for a cure that they may drink to clear the lock out. However this cure will have a .5% drop rate.

Muahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahaha hehehehe muahhahahaha (coughs a bitt) muahahahahahahah!!

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Every kind of group content in the game should be pug-able and have no rules discouraging pugging. This includes Mythic Raids and Rated PvP.

Why tho?
Can you imagine not being able to level via quests because you have already completed all quests in other characters?

I think Pathfinder should only require the Explorer Achievement and (maybe) rep achievement reduced to Revered.

Oh! and Transmogs for other types of armor you can’t wear with your current character should be saved to account.

I don’t see the appeal of Vulpera, don’t understand people going mental over them.

Dungeons, dailies, class-specific questlines, things like island expeditions, etc. Heck, leveling via AV was at least vaguely more preferable than repeating all the same quest chains over and over again.

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There are too many classes, and we should only have 6 classes with ~6 specs each

PVP is an important part of the game.

Oh, and one more:

  • Kul Tirans, Dark Iron Dwarves, Void Elves, Mechagnomes, Lightforged Draenei, Mog’har Orcs, Highmountain Tauren, Nightborne, and Zandalari Trolls are all stupid allied races. Just offer options as part of the “original” race (Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Gnomes, Draenei, Orc, Tauren, Blood Elves, and Trolls) in character creation instead of making a spinoff. Vulpera are… whatever, just give the Alliance some other new race that’s actually a new race - not a spin-off - and we’ll call it even. I suggest a group of toad-people or a group of rabbit-people. They’d go good with the StarFox theme.

I knew I liked you based on your responses in threads. Now I like you even better :slightly_smiling_face:

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The amount of sexual dimorphism in most playable races is stupid and absurd. Especially draenei, like the males would crush a female to death if he tripped and fell on her.

I am not alone. I was going to post about SWTOR and now I don’t have to :D.

Ummm, what server you on? Sith or Pub?

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MoP was one of the best expansions to date.

RNG is not what it should be. I just logged on to 4 different toons quickly, and failed bonus on 5/6 missions. Out of those six, two were 185%, two were 180%, and one was 170%. On my last toon, I did get the bonus on a 170%. Pretty sure it’s a random time of day thing more than it is RNG.