Unpopular Opinion Time!

Azerite Traits are better than Tier Sets.

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Oblivion was better than Skyrim

ducks flying vegetables



And haven’t you heard of Fire Restrictions??

Can you not smell the smoke!

I hate the mythic plus timer & I wish there was a timed mythic plus and an un-timed M+ for players to choose which they want.


I think flight should be free to all upon reaching max in each expansion.

I think Minerva Ravensorrow should be leader of the Horde. She loves her work.

I love Hellfire Peninsula.


I don’t think Essences should be account-wide, and I’m kind of tired of hearing about it.

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Morrowind aint that great compared to the others.

Seriously I tried SO HARD to like that game and I just couldn’t

Morrowind was good, but to think it was better is most likely just nostalgia talking. Remembering agility is all I really need to remember the headaches.


I’d like Blizzard to add more cosmetic features to the game that make roleplay more enjoyable (Example, Zandalari’s Loa acknowledging them if they were chosen as their racial / Wild Gods bowing heads down to Nightelves) without the opposing faction having a complete b!tch fit cry about how it’s “Gluttonous” for one to want such things despite the asked for being merely cosmetic features for aesthetic purposes. :roll_eyes:

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Legion is the best WoW expansion.

Raiding is pointless without tier sets to pursue.

Story is more important than gear.


I liked Before the Storm


No they don’t. It’s an obtrusive piece of metal or plastic hanging off someone’s face.

He seems like an interesting person. Learned something new today, thanks, Atax


I like Peter Gabriel era Genesis over Phil Collins era Genesis. Yes, Phil was playing drums and some vox when Gabriel was fronting, but Lamb > Invisible Touch

Prefer Sammy Hagar’s vox to Diamond Dave

I like sylvanas.


I disagree with you.

  • This community isn’t toxic. By far, most people are either (at best) friendly, or (at worst) indifferent and silent. The rude, toxic people are few and far between. Anyone who bothers to count the interactions, instead of being blinded by confirmation bias, will find this to be true.

  • The word “toxic” is overused. /Smack myself on the wrist.

  • I don’t mind Pathfinder one bit. In fact, it’s friggin’ easy to earn, and I always get it with the first toon I take through a new xpac. Followed by twelve more toons, all of which meet the requirements for Pathfinder. So, yeah, I’ve been completing it thirteen times (12 horde, 1 alliance) per xpac since its been around.

  • Not bothered about flying. If it left forever, so what.

  • I couldn’t care less that essences aren’t account bound.

  • There is no FOTM class or spec. With skill and experience, one can excel with any class or spec.

  • I don’t care much about gear. Whatever is handed to me via solo play, LFR and warfronts (currently 415-430 ilvl) is more than sufficient. I don’t need better gear, to get better gear, to get better gear, to get better gear. With a 430 I wreck the content I like to do.

  • I find LFR exciting and fun. I go in there because I want to. Also, see my first point. The vast majority of LFR runs are smooth and easy; the toxic people are not all that common.


I like warfronts and I’m happy LFR exists. I don’t mind titanforging.


everyone is a trans witch

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