Unpopular opinion: Player Housing is a WoD 2.0

In all honesty, it doesn’t really mean much to me, I’m not super passionate about the concept or anything like that, i just find that the older i get and the more casual i become, i play the game like a single player RPG outside of my weekly raid.

Player housing and the potential tie-ins with professions (tailor making curtains, blacksmith making an oven perhaps) would be just the kind of thing i’d like to sink my teeth into, especially if patterns/materials are sprinkled all through old content, dungeons and raids.

I’m really to the point in my WoW life that i do my weekly raid, collect my pets and mounts, and otherwise ignore the rest of the systems/content because it’s all irrelevant as soon as any given patch/expansion is over. I’d really like player housing to be the next thing that i can really sink my teeth into so far as collecting is concerned :blush:


It’s an assumption you can check by looking at all the things people have created in games where there was the possibility to build or decorate something. Also, what people have partly already privately tinkered with the assets of WoW is mindblowing. I hope you don’t want to deny that there are many people who get pleasure from creating something artistic.

And that such things eat up a lot of time is in the nature of things.

Of course, that’s not everyone’s cup of tea. But it has its lobby. A big lobby. You don’t have to do it, should it come. I don’t have to raid if I don’t want to, too. Raids and Mythics are also just grind. Maybe not the first time, but then when it comes to getting gear or playing a higher difficulty level. It’s always the same. Over and over again.


Ok, i’ll take a shot at explaining what i have in mind.

It would be similar to the garrison set up in that we’d have a specific sized plot of upgradable land, certain buildings could be placed around the land in various configurations, it could pretty heavily borrow from other content… like the farm in MoP and the mine inside the WoD garrison.

We could customize it down to a pretty fine level though, with profession patterns and drops being spread all over the game, paints, flooring, furnishings, mannequins for displaying old tier sets along the hallway (you get the idea).

So if they took the archaeology room from one of the past expansions and, instead of the decorations unlocking from pristine solves, the decorations unlocked from recipes, would that satisfy you as “housing”. Or are you expecting an environment what is more customizable?

See above.

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Such as?

The main one being that they cut a great deal of content because of garrisons.

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First, people need to stop believing housing would cost a raid tier. Blizz can always have a small team working on it in the background and release it when it’s ready. There, no real drop in other forms of content and player housing will eventually happen. They rather keep having us believe the whole it will cost a raid tier thing to justify not doing it.


Garrisons literally did. If you think housing wouldn’t, you’re delusional.

Thinking short term, if they had started working on housing in baby steps after garrisons failed, we would probably have it by now, and probably had the same level of content we have now. Stop thinking short term next expansion, if it takes 2-3 expansions before we get it fine.

i’m super glad you wrote this. I just posted a similar response in another “housing” thread.

garrisons became their own mandatory game in the game.

I know one guy in my guild who really enjoyed it and maxed it out. He made, like 5,000 a dat or some ridiculous amount during that expac.

I wanted to be out in the world killing spiders.

garrisons were mandatory for each and every toon you made. NO!!! my alts did their starter chores, got blasted by the rocket or whatever (oh those crazy goblin engineers… hardee harr harr) and moved on.

if you want housing, play minecraft or FF or simcity

Recoding the entire game to come out with a player housing system that isn’t just a small scale garrison isn’t an ordeal that “a small team” can realistically do.

And if small scale garrison is sufficient for you, there are plenty of houses in WoW that you can pretend is your house. The amount of customization you have in there is almost the same you’d have in a garrison type house.

No more than they had to “recode the game” to make dragonriding work.

The armchair devs on this subject always give me a chuckle.


Dragonriding is just like any other vehicle we’ve had since the beginning, not really comparable.

Believe it or not, I am trying to help you. I am warning you that you aren’t actually communicating the information you think you are communicating and I am asking for clarification.

The garrison had unlockable decorations and profession tie ins.
The class order hall displayed old tier sets.
Do you consider these “housing”?

I have an idea of what customizable housing means to me. But I honestly have no idea if what’s in my imagination is at all similar to what’s in your imagination.

So with all that ambiguity, when I try to read your posts with the eyes of a dev trying to figure out the path of least resistance to get what is being asked into the engine we currently have, I foresee disaster brewing.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m just dense. But I feel like these are the same conversations I saw during the development of WoD when people latched onto the word “housing” and mistakenly believed that it meant the same thing to everyone.

So you didn’t watch the Dragonflight dev videos, then.

They had to do a loooot of tinkering to make the physics work.

A lot more than they’d have to do to make placeable objects - something that can already be done now, in case it’s been a minute since you made a cozy fire.


I have lil ragnaros :woman_shrugging:

I have no idea what you mean by that.

Don’t need cozy fire cause I can cook with the pet.

And beside, the fire is more akin to any other reticle spell any class has. And would you like at that, you can’t pick up the fire once it’s out, something that is rather really important in any housing system.

I see.

Well, that’s the “development” part.