Unpopular opinion: Player Housing is a WoD 2.0

Either way, when I started up these modes since MoP, I fell in love. And now its even better than before.

I wouldn’t think player housing would be a sound solution. Any second you’re outside your property, you’re up for grabs by the bots. Your only option is to ignore.

Haha you know dang well that blizzard would just do the same with “player housing”

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this was too long to read. no matter your opinion , having guild house similar to FC housing on ff14 would be amazing . having everyone gathered up and hang out

Oh sorry maybe I wasn’t being clear. I was just using that as an example of how you can chat with people regardless of location.

I don’t mind people whispering me about their guild. I’m just not ready to join one yet LOL

Lol all g.

I got ffxiv recently. Just gonna get my fill of player housing, height sliders, and catgirls over there. WoWs endgame and RP still will keep me plenty.

First, I want to say I did a ton of garrison stuff back in the day, but I also recently picked an alt and have been doing everything with him in there, including getting the herbs for the transmogs and carrot, trying to get all followers to the max armor and weapon level etc. Nothing new, I know, but I enjoy it a lot to hop in there time to time to do those things. I didn’t love the garrison the first run through because I guess I expected more, and now it’s just a fun side thing.
I do wish we had player housing, just for something extra to do. I think if they revamped the cities and put them as another section in there, maybe a handful of rooms with a large court yard where people who still want to show off mounts and interact can go right outside of their home and do it. I would use it, especially if you could completely customize it depending on your race and class. If it was part of the regular city, then it could also carry over to the next expansion instead of being left behind like the garrison was.
That said, not the end of the world that we don’t have it, I’ll live and still enjoy a ton of aspects about the game as it is now, so I’m fine either way. :slight_smile:

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A really sound idea. But the theory still holds that, if Blizzard were to greenlight player housing in a city for RP purposes, the budget would shrink and some other elements would not come to pass.

That makes sense, and I get it. I only speak for myself though. I don’t raid or do pvp, so if they took away money from those for player housing, it wouldn’t bother me, just like using money they would use for raids or pvp would take away from player housing.
We all have our interests, and I personally, speaking only for myself, would never suggest them taking away from others for my game. I am very content with what I like to do now, although I always want more regular quests and things to do in the open world, because that’s my game.
I’m not bitter like a lot of people though…we get player housing then cool, probably won’t be exactly what I would want, but cool, if we don’t get it, then cool…I’ll live. That’s just me though…this is just a game and I don’t take it very seriously. :slight_smile:

Unless they’ve done something recently, good luck getting a plot.

The .01% chance of getting one there still beats the 0% chance of getting one here, though. Plus I look way cuter.

Fair. I think I spent about 11 hours running an auto clicker to get my little Gridania plot.

And then I burnt out like 4 days later.

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As long as they don’t make it a quest hub, it would be fine. That was what made the cities barren in WoD; everything played out from the garrison, alone. (with a jumble of NPC’s though, I guess).

Don’t put gold generating things or storyline progressing things into the player housing and it won’t hurt anything. I don’t even think it would kill their budget for other stuff.


I see the dragon customization as their testing ground for a very limited player housing.

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Then you failed to read what i said, the entire point was that i am sick of these disposable systems, i want player housing to be different, i want it to be carried forward because it has a lot of potential in terms of supporting other aspects of WoW (like professions for example).


You’re forgetting the creative part. Building things and combining them can have an artistic value that can keep people busy for hours. And there are a lot of those people. Collecting decoration templates about professions as well as the whole world is very appealing especially for the player type: “explorer/collector”.

Assumtions. You don’t know that.

This has already been disproven with the garrison. Or how many people would rather stand there today than in the capital, even though they have access to everything there? And it is no different with other games with housing.


Professions are not carried forward between expansions, they are reset.

You may want housing to be carried forward as an evergreen area once introduced, but the words you are actually writing just support the expectation that it wouldn’t be.

(your post is a really good example of the communication problems around housing - you have a vision in your head, and you say you want housing because it will get you there, but you never actually communicated that vision, so it’s not clear to reader what housing actually means to you; so even if you convince the devs to give you “housing”, what they implement might be completely different that what you were hoping for. You say I’m not reading what you said, to which I have to answer that you never actually said what you think you said)

These too are assumptions. Some may regard this as a grinding chore.

Good chance I misunderstood what you were saying in that sentence, it’s too damn early.

I think you bring up some good points in the OP though. I wouldn’t mind player housing to an extent but if it is just garrison 2.0 I’d rather developmental time/resources was spent else where.

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Frankly, I would not trust Blizzard under Activision to do player housing again. IF Microsoft takes over, there are several likely improvements that would mean not only better housing, but generally a better live service overall.