Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

Thank you. These little one liner angry quips is nutty in quantity and pace D: I can barely keep up lol

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Ironic. Leveling fast won’t hurt the people who want to enjoy the story, but slower leveling will hurt people who don’t care about it.


Sorry, that question mark was a mistake. It was more the comment of it being the last zone. This thread got crazy fast lol

I read some of your other posts and you are either trolling or just obnoxious so done responding to you. Replying to one post wonders is always a bad idea.

Uh no? It’s always been dungeons and raiding or PvP. Leveling is the journey to get there but even in Classic the core of the game was to hit 60 and start doing big dungeons and raids. If the core of an MMO is leveling then why does nearly every MMO let you pay to skip it?

They could implement something for people that want to level slower, something that you would need to manually and intently accept. But that feature is definitely not NEEDED.

This will all smooth over soon and we’ll all be happily picking flowers, helpin’ folks, slaughter cute animals, and whatnot.

Lord have mercy on me :rofl:

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I was 80 before I finished second zone after doing every questline in the first and second zones, a few rares, the bonus objectives and the required dungeon and since I’ve been trying to finish Hallowfall and Azj for like 2 days now, lol.

I think the last part of Hallowfall is gated though because I couldn’t find it.


It’s not a very popular opinion these days, but I honestly agree. I like to do all the quests in a zone before moving on to the next one, and what happened is that halfway through Ringing Deeps all the mobs were already green for me, which I find a bit boring.

I’ll be leveling that rogue next, or maybe my hunter, and I’m curious to see if the open world will actually be a threat to me or if I can still tank spank an entire zone.

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There is absolutely nothing keeping peeps from doing all the quests in every zone even if they are level 80.

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Sorry I know it’s just this little snippet but it seems the entire foundation of the reply…

They don’t really have to, do they? I believe allot of players I’ve spoken to that are all PvP have chosen to level through battlegrounds. They said the xp from it is pretty good too. I’ll try it out and compare it to dungeons myself later

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Agreed, the dungeons from 70-79 were ridiculous and definitely needed to be tweaked. Anyone complaining about this doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I’ve been playing an arcane mage and the bosses in dungeons from 70-79 died so quickly that even if I had enough time to get my 2 cooldowns off on them, they didn’t even live long enough for the full damage of those cooldowns to go off. It was actually ridiculous and I didn’t even get to really experience those dungeons at 70-79 and I wish I had been able to.

Not trying to argue you at all. We both have different play styles and that is perfectly fine. I absolutely would not want them to slow the leveling down because there are TONS of people that don’t like slow leveling. I can choose to go as slow as I want. I can quest to my heart’s content way passed level cap.

Choose your own path and play your own way. I never said I agreed with the OP that leveling should absolutely be made slower.

:confused: ? Your focused ont he hero talents and power creep instead of the world that was just presented. This was the entire point of my post :slight_smile:

You should be able to roughly finish the main story line while hitting level 80 at the same time. I hit level 80, albeit doing every quest i can do “minus one i can’t seem to get any gm to help me with that is killing my ocd” and I still have 2 zones to go.

Dude, I’m not baiting you. I don’t even know who you are. I’ve played this game for 20 something years now. I’ve played entire expansions over and over. I’m not sure how warbands will affect that. And the adventure is not all there assuming you have insight into my inner soul. There’s a story there maybe. Butchered and chewed to hell and back.

Characters (mostly female oddly) have wild swings in personality. Characters you have spent time with just randomly die off screen for dumb reasons. Expansions exist as if the ending of the previous expansion never happened. To put it bluntly, the developers of this game have been the worst storytellers in the history of story.

That said, I don’t have an issue with putting all that out of my mind and enjoy another trip through MoP or Legion now and again. I’ve gotten a bit bored with recent expansions so my last excursion was through Burning Legion where if you remember Illidan was super crazy for some reason. But it’s fine, I know an expansion later on just ignores that crazy and says he actually had a plan. Well if I’m gonna enjoy Burning Legion I can’t have that in mind and just go with the crazy.

If this is a good adventure to you, you really have a low threshold of what good is. But whatever. Point stands that you wanting millions of other people to enjoy something as you enjoy it is weird. You don’t need someone else to enjoy the same thing for you to enjoy it. That should be a silent wish not a public declaration.


The journey should matter just as much as the destination

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Also, is you think your leveling is too fast, you could always visit these NPC’s in your respective faction to stop/start gaining exp:

If you are Alliance, speak to Behsten in Stormwind.
If you are Horde, speak to Slahtz in Orgrimmar.