Unpopular opinion: Leveling slower is needed

Thankfully in this MMO i can skip past that worthless “content” in like 3 hours lol.

I agree I enjoyed going slow in dungeons so I took off all my gear and walked backwards.

It’s 24 dungeons from 70 to 80 no matter how “long it takes.”

Leveling slow and doing side quests or speed leveling via dungeons, etc. should be an AVAILABLE CHOICE and not a forced decision.

Folks have a slew of stuff to grind/do already. Sometimes leveling feels like nothing but a needed chore and not a fun adventure. Thats for YOU to decide.

again you are telling me how I should play and what I should enjoy. I already leveled two characters via questing.

I don’t think a topic like this with actual valid conversations would be entirely ignored :slight_smile:

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Jatarri is telling the truth. When I leveled my first character, I didn’t even finish all the quests in Dorn and I was 74 nearly 75. So from that point I decided to just do the main story and that got me to 78 by the time I completed it.

So it’s pretty plausible to hit 80 by doing every single quest in 2 zones. There is A LOT of side content in each zone.

nope unlocked pathfinder on 2 accounts with druids one is 78 the other is 77. you have to do more to make 80

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I personally wouldn’t mind slower levelling but I know about 60% of the people in my guild alone (if not more) are only interested in rushing to 80 and get started on the PVP gearing/grind. Most of them don’t touch any PVE at all, or as little as possible and absolutely -hate- any kind of levelling unless its very quick and out of the way. Not to mention they find dungeons mind numbingly boring and care little about the game’s story.

Everyone is gonna have a different opinion on this and not everyone will agree. It’s nice seeing different perspectives though. I do feel semi bad for the people who put in the work for all those quests and art in the game lol but I know a few folks like myself will take the time to enjoy it as well. It’s not so doom and gloom as some people might see it. The game has come to a point where it pleasing everyone has become an astronomic impossibility at this point, id say that is why they give us more options to do things, maybe.

That’s you, though. As someone stated about the opposite side of the debate, don’t demand the game adopt your play style and likes because this is why you want.

Sounds like you don’t want an MMO at all.

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yeah. I cant remember the spelling. Aj’kahet or similar. So I just call it spiderlands.

About to hit 75 in Isle of Dorn and judging by the map I’ve got a third of the zone to go. No dungeons yet, and delves only as quests demand.

If you do every quest there’s enough EXP to get to 80 in Ringing Deeps, it seems.


And I am sure you used a ground mount for traveling or that would be hypocritical.

Exactly, this is what OP cant just understand? LOL

The option of slowly progresing and lvling is everyones choice already in the game.

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I’m taking my time leveling. That option is available to all of us.


Leveling slower is not needed. We gain ZERO benefit from leveling slower. Why? because they have us pretending their 10 point minimum effort hero talent borrowed power system qualifies leveling. It’s dumb AF. I want to level fast so I can spend time farming and completing all the quests. Not fixated on level caps with mobs.

I don’t think Blizz is going to back pedal on this decision, nor will there be any major fall out.

So yeah, complaints just for the sake to complain. Least folks could do is be more constructive and less “inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting.”

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That’s normaly in most MMOs. I don’t understand how people get so up in arms about being made to take an extra 30 minutes or an hour to get to that 80. Or maybe they adventure out and slow down, sip a coffee, and do some quests instead of spam rushing dungeons… The change their making isn’t some -40% xp rate lol

And that’s fine. If endgame is what you enjoy, then fire away. But leveling content has always been the core of an MMO.

Meh, I’m very happy to have 3 level 80s and a 74 before the nerfs come in.

I like end game content. The run to get there is (and always has been) a small percentage of the gametime I put in. This game comes down to M+ or PvP for me. I don’t raid and I don’t like to “just quest” all my time.

If they offered a level 80 boost, I would have done them for sure.