
I didn’t play in Vanilla but honestly it must have been a lot more fun before meta was pounded into everybody’s mind and nobody knew what they were doing.


WPVP was just something that happened occasionally unless there was an organized raid, you didn’t have 20 rogues sitting in redridge killing anything that moved, it may be 1 and the alliance would show up and kill him


Nah it was probably terrible cause hardly anyone cleared raids.

It was probably fun leveling but at max level the raiding scene was almost non-existent.

Many people never even made it to 60 back then.

Most people below level 48 may not notice a difference, only levels 48 and up are worth honor to a 60

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not sure what you mean, i killed 6 horde in the last 10 minutes. git gud

Why the hell are any of you playing the literal worst version of this game? Come to SoD… its the future

No the time line specifically showed bgs releasing at the same time as honor

Mmmmmm… Tanaris. I also farm and level there. Looks like somebody is about to enjoy some long walks in the spirit realm :grinning:

i’ll keep trying to send the ‘warmode sucks’ whiners from retail to you

As somebody who has played since launch. The player base ruined the game.
What made WoW so great in the beginning was the fact that MMO’s were relatively new and we acted like real people in game and played as such.

Now everyone is an edgelord or doesn’t speak.
Can’t even get a ‘GG’ from your team mates after a dungeon or a BG.
WE ALL USED TO DO IT. EVERY GAME. Just saying, and I don’t care if it sounds weird.

Even here in the forums look at all the edgelord comments. Can you believe these are probably 30-40 year old men pretending to be 15 year old rappers in flat caps?!!?
It’s crazy to think about.

Anyways, WoW player base destroyed the game. Nothing else. Games just 98% Rude selfish people. That’s it.


Lore wise, there is no reason why towns and FPs should be allowed to be terrorized. The Alliance and The Horde are Mighty kingdoms! Surely they’d send some Ahh whooping NPC champions to stand guard over its people’s… Zug zug


Funny i dont remember being warned about herds of 60s roaming into towns and killing me before i can turn in quests. This is happening on most layers and alot of zones so it gets hard to evade it.

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question is, how many of these nerds hit 33k honor without bgs? :stuck_out_tongue:


I hit that Saturday and have just been farming lowbies now for something to do.

from what i know of wow players an impatience fewer thank you might think at first. I believe everyone that claimes to have reached their 33,750 honor is not lying, but i suspect there are alot more people who haven’t bothered with the grind or started and gave up (it is a tough grind, that for me meant waiting through dozens if not hundreds of 2 minute res timers) who haven’t bothered to post about it

you were warned that you could be killed indiscriminately and without honor, what did you think that meant?

And while it is technically a week from the launch of honor to the launch of BGs, it’s really only 5 days, reset and ranking is tomorrow and i would be surprised, if you see the same world pvp after reset tomorrow, wednesday, and before bgs release on thursday. After all the world pvp grind is painful for the people trying to eke out honor from it too. i bet we’ll see nearly everyone waiting for AV after reset tomorrow.

It’s fun. Makes me happy.

I was hoping for tarren vs southshore type of scenario. Killing people as they get off the flightpath osnt what anyone had in mind. This is griefing my good fellow.

Plenty of alliance rolling over horde too. In fact it seemed like there were more to me. Perception is a kick in the pants.

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Wife and I just sat outside BRM last night farming ally. Felt kinda bad killing same ones over and over with them getting 20 yards further each time lmao