Nightslayer Alliance side totally unplayable. Wonder how the numbers will stack up on factions in the coming days/weeks.
Wow classic Anniv —-
You were warned this would happen.
But I thought alliance could PVP and perception is broken???
I’m shocked to find out those were lies, shocked I say!!!
Good time to take a week off until BG’s are out.
Come to Classic Era and Q up for WSG.
not been a problem on my pve realm…
You don’t know anything about pvp stay in your gold buying lane.
Perception is not op and never was.
Humans are OP in TBC arena.
I played WoW classic 15-20 years ago on nothing but PVP realms, and it certainly was not this. 20 years ago, there was not constant raids of 60’s demolishing low levels at every city. The occasional raid, but not this. It certainly ruins the game, and I can not imagine spending my off time raiding low levels all day when you could be leveling alts or making gold.
every fp, town, and dungeon entrance is camped by 2-3 grps of mc geared 60s…
i’ve spent every night getting camped for an hour+ since Thursday.
good time to level something new or take the week off.
Vanilla didn’t have megaservers.
Maybe because it was a hardware issue?
I know my servers were packed.
Are you new to wow pvp its been this way since wow released if your on a pvp server you have to just deal with world pvp and ganking. I really dont understand people they know things will happen but then complain when they do.
This game is literally unplayable. Flight paths are being camped… Quests are non existent… I understand doing pvp but this is literally a slaughter and a waste of my wow subscription… Terrible idea. This is not the classic experience at all. It’s different now that people know the spawns they should have prepared for this like making the flight path Npcs stronger or something… This is unfun and unplayable. Can’t even spawn at the he spirit healer to hearth or anything they are just there waiting… I feel like even after they activate BGs it still will keep happening and the server will slowly lose players. I hope blizzard fixes or they surely will lose on some anniversary money/players.
Have you considered the PvE Server?
You signed up for this when you rolled on Nightslayer.
All i want to do is level my character so that i can enjoy end game content/ pvp but 40+ content areas have become constant ganking/ camping by high level horde players. These megaservers have created a toxic pvp situation for us lowbies. Game is basically unplayable for me atm.
Don’t play on mega servers if u can’t hit 60 in the first week. I’m already running around in 8/8 t1 as SL lock raids been out since like first week of December no way u shouldn’t be mc geared this late into the game
I’m honestly sorry. Getting 150 honour for killing a level 52 is just too good to pass up when I need to hit 33750 honour this week.
honestly just play a different game for a week don’t give em the satisfaction
I’m hiding in a corner killing turtles and fishing.