As frustrating as it is, being killed by opposing faction players whenever they decided to try and do so, is part of the PvP experience. Yes it sucks, but TBH that’s quite literally the game on a PvP realm. I do wonder about the mindset and disposition of someone who (for example) grief-camps a lvl 20 on their 60 repeatedly only to ruin their fun (ie person to person), but that’s frankly irrelevant to the game rules. You can always re-roll on a PvE realm and be free of it.
PvP mega servers are garbage. You’d think the player base would have learned that in 2019.
It most certainly was this. Take for instance, i was on dethecus. There 2 major guilds. 1 horde (nurfed) 1 alliance (saga). All of silverpine was unplayable most of the time. Where do you think Southshore VS tarren mill came from? Killing flight masters and quest givers was also common. You know how you im not lying? Look up dishonorable kills in vanilla. There were consequences for killing quest npcs, flight masters and things like that. Yet ppl did it. Either get used to it, or go pve.
This is vanilla, WPvP is a thing, if you don’t like it go back to retail.
This is a PvP server, if you don’t like PvP go to a PvE server.
This is one week, if you can’t stand it take a freaking break.
We PvPers are enjoying this on our PvP server. I am sitting at 41k honor now which is 7k pass the cap, but it’s too much fun killing orcs n cows n those little undead rogues in BRM so I can’t stop.
This has been a strong contributor to a lot of the negative behaviours we’ve seen since Classic launch. The game was never designed for this concentration of players.
I also think it drives a lot of gold buying. Some folks in WoW are happy to buy gold and spend it on stuff so they don’t have to farm, and others prefer to farm their own stuff. However, the first group generates a lot of demand and bots/farmers spring up to meet it. This has the unfortunate side effect of choking out the second group, who do just want to farm.
I’ve never purchased gold and never want to, but I tell you, I admit to feeling a twinge of temptation when I played on the main clusters while Era sprang back post HC movement. I just couldn’t find any high level herbs out in the world to save my life. My only option was to buy off the AH and I had to sell stuff to generate gold to do so.
These days I play on a dead server. I can go out and farm what I need for my characters, as well as extra to help my guildmates who don’t have as much time. It’s much better. Obviously it’s an MMO and you want to see people out in the world, but the megaserver approach takes it too far and doesn’t do anything to address those contention issues.
The retail approach to herb/mining resources would be another. Multi-tagging would also help. However, these are additional changes just to make the game playable in a megaserver context that we don’t really need
You either aren’t playing on Nightslayer now or didn’t play in 2004. Everything you said is a lie. No version has ever been like this. Every single flight point is camped above 45 with raid geared 60s at the beginning of a server. I did play in 2004 and 2019 and always on pvp servers. STV back in 2004 wasn’t even as bad as every single zone >45 right now.
So much of what you said resonates with my original experience although I came from UO where you lost everything you had in your bags when you died which I guess depending on what kind of person you were/are ~ acting like real people.
I know GG was a thing that came later but we definitely thanked people on their good behavior or exceptional skills especially in 5 mans. In BG’s / WPvP, I was just telling some of my buddies a story about how me and this Horde Priest back in the day eventually started talking via Forums. He made an alliance and I made a horde so we could gank the people on our respective factions who were less than savory.
These forums are chalk full of Dopamine chasers just like in game. Some of us (as mentioned are north of 30/40’s) and we don’t buy into ‘likes’ and that instant gratification; hell I’d venture to say some of the 30’s crowd were probably pre-teen if not teen and don’t quite recall how it really was but seek some validation and…well, here we are.
Agreed at your last sentence 100%. Cheers, also Nicotine, Caffeine and Hate is what most of us older crowd keep going on. Love the name. lol
I can’t say how many of each faction are participating in pvp, but there are objectively more horde on nightslayer than alliance, as you cannot currently create a character in the horde side due to faction imbalance.
I played Horde Heartseeker for 2019 classic.
Cry Harder.
Now i play on a pve realm because i just want to PvE and not deal with or even have fun Wpvping.
This game is all about YOUR choices.
That’s not true at all. Wpvp happened so often in the most random of places. We all took it so seriously too. I remember being alliance with a raid in stonetalon and we were trying to push to barrens and horde was slightly in stonetalon to be PvP flagged near the barrens /stonetalon towers holding out. We spent hours there with level 20 characters going back and forth.
That was just one day. We did it so much i think it took me like 2 month to hit 60. And I was playing literally 13 hours a day or more.
My only problem with PvP on nightslayer is the faction inbalance. And no I didn’t know it would be this bad. I knew they locked out horde after I made my toon but didn’t think it would end up being like this.
I have been putting Horde into the dirt on Nightslayer lmao.
It goes both ways.
It 100% depends on when and where you played. I started the Friday after AQ launched and by that point wPvP was pretty much dead except on Shu’Halo where there was a concentrated movement to keep it alive. A lot like Grob in 2019 Classic.
But that’s a limited basis where you can pick your fights. The rest of us just get served down by the multitudes of horde at instances. It’s not even really PvP at this point. Just some sort of quasi corpse run till at instance thing going on
I am out here making alliance run faster than Pirate Software.
the heck are you flapping about? alliance on nightslayer have been forming raidgroups to gank lower level players and kill all the npc’s/flightmasters in every zone for days now. I wish it was unplayed, maybe we could get some questing done without a bunch of slack jawed level 60’s stepping all over everything.
If you go ahead and reread that. You’ll notice that I am not complaining simply stating facts and giving people an alternative.
Did I struggle a little bit yes. There’s other things to do
Tell that to the two 60 rogues I killed on this character yesterday. Plenty of bad people playing this game, especially horde since they think the racials give them IWIN buttons.
You’re killing them because the game is LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE!
Altar of Storms since it’s opening… people always raided Westfall, Goldshire, Duskwood, Crossroads, Taurajo, Tarren Mill, South Shore, and Redridge… dozens of other zones. Happened at least 2 times a day, minimum, and we were a “Middle” populated server.