Man you must be amazing at Pvp bro
I have five toons and the highest level one I have is 25. I’m missing out!
Who cares, Solo Leveling s2 Episode 2 is out now, we are poggering in the lair.
Hang in there, it should get better next week as BGs release lol
I personally would prefer to go play PVE but horde pop always ends up being too low for me (raiding guilds choices, pug opportunities…). The lfg channels really aren’t as active.
pVp hApPeNs oN PvP sERveRs … lol good one games sh!t rn
It’s the level 60s ganking me at level 31 that really has become a pain. Most of my day was spent walking back to my body, waiting for res sickness to wear off, trying to layer, etc. I barely made any progress. They’re not earning any honor from killing me at level 31, right? And I’m a Horde main on retail. Or I was. And in all fairness, calling the game unplayable right now for Alliance on Nightslayer isn’t much of a stretch. The idea that this many people wanna sit around all day at max level and repeatedly gank and grief lowbies is grosssss, dude.
sometimes I like to damage gray boys half way to 3/4 of their health then sheep them to heal up. Then damage them again and resheep. I would rinse and repeat this process for 30-40 mins until they afk.
I’m having fun.
Dont you worry, I know something "Terrible"is primed and ready for the AV meta.
I have been doing constant pvp for 2 days n just got my cap. Had 0 issue with shortage of alliance. Matter of the fact I had way more problems with too many alliance around n too few horde around to kill.
Insane that Aggrend/Zirene and co. went with world ranking after it killed off so much of Classic 2019. They truly are the most incompetent gaming duo in history.
you picked the server
What you talking about. The game is playable and fine. Server is up and running like a top.
aggrend picked world ranking lmfao
You should probably seek therapy for that.
A lot of tourists on Whitemane era today must be really rough out there boys
Just happily leveling my Shaman.
Not a care in the world.
and BAM
Proctologist Exam by a Gnome
Played for probably 10-12 hours over the last two days in the 30-40 level bracket. Stranglethorn, arathi, ran some scarlet monastery.
My experience has been almost no different than the rest of the time on the server, except probably just seen more people out and about. Only thing that actually bothers me is getting out numbered multiple times in a row with other alliance standing right next to me just watching. Seems like that’s the only time I get camped by a group because I’m guessing they assume there will be a bigger fight but no, no one else joins in.
Sad stuff…
Absolutely unplayable, shame Civ 7 isnt out yet.
WoW pvp in vanilla was nothing like it is in classic