Unofficial Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race Megathread

Hello fellows dwarfs and dwarves enthusiasts. I came today with some ideas for Wildhammer racials:

Master of the Skies: While riding any kind of flying mount, will get 10% extra speed. Also the chances of dismount while using flying mounts by any enemy attack, are reduced by a 50%.
The lore backup for this racial it’s based on the fact that they culture put a great enphasis on breeding and riding gryphons. This should make them better than other races using any type flying mounts, not only with gryphons.

Clansman: While in any any of group, you and all members of the group increase their main stats by 1%.
The lore backup for this racial it’s based on the fact that they culture put a great enphasis on familiy an loyalty to them. So, a Wild Hammer Dwarf also will care about any other allied or friend, so while teammating he will give his best and also will encourage to his teammates to do the same.

Nature Affinity: Reduce all nature damage taken by 1%.
Taurens already have something like that, sounds good for Wildhammers, but have a racial that is basically the same that other race already, probably will not happen.

Wild Actitud: While “in combat” haste is increased by 3%.
Well, they are very fierce in combat those guys, so let’s give them something that represent that in game mechanics.

Boozer: Drinking any alcoholic beverage increase a random stat by 1% for 1 hour. Persist after dead.
No explanation needed for this.

Well, this was my humble input. I hope you like it, also we can talk about. Cya!


I really like all of those. They certainly feel like they would fit. Clansman stuck out because that’s one of the many things I like about dwarves. Their dedication to their clan. Having a bonus based on that spread to allies fits perfectly in the story taking into account that one Wildhammer who is the last ot his clan. He meets a group of Kul Tirans and teaches them how to train gryphons. To him, they are his clan now


I thinka dragonslayer racial, as mentioned above, captures the Wildhammer essence and should be included. Derek Proudmoore was killed by dragonfire by Horde orcs riding dragons during the 2nd war. It was the Wildhammers who came in on their gryphons and saved the day for the Alliance. They’ve been battling with the Dragonmaw to this day, so +5% damage to dragonkin would be some cool flavor.


If we got forest trolls I would 100% be okay with Alliance getting high elves :open_mouth:


if horde did get amanis, I am sure a large section of Sin’Dorei would nope tf out of the Horde for inviting so many trolls. They are mortal enemies, and I can see Lor’themar and Talanji pulling some diplomatic magic to rally the forest trolls to fight the newly invigorated Trollbane dynasty, but for many elves, this would be the tipping point. When some people leave a tribe (void elves) more always follow. Possible way to inflate the number of possible high elves.

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The only potential issue is this. The only way it would work is it can’t stack. Otherwise we will see alliance guilds take over the competitive side of things as full wildhammer guilds.

20 man mythic raids of full wildhammer dwarves = +20% to primary stat

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Of course, this will be with out stacking, like it was with the Dranei pasive Heroic Presence.

Every time I check my mission table, I see Falstad Wildhammer standing there. It just makes me want to play these guys more and more.


“No Wildhammers! They’ll steal a race from the Horde and ruin its identity!”

Wait, nevermind. Wrong WC2 race.
Carry on.

If Wildhammers were implemented, they should just be a set of tattoos for Bronzebeards of Wildhammer-playable classes (i.e. warrior, shaman, hunter, etc.) and maybe a couple extra hairstyles, unlocked in a similar manner to Night Warrior eyes.

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That wouldn’t be a bad thing to have more Alliance guilds that are competitive. It’s already Horde dominated and while I’m not saying I think it’d be good to see the Alliance dominate, it would be nice if something like that helped balance the factions out a bit better

Their influence is everywhere as they are Token Gryphon riders.
They are taller than other dwarven cousins (like hill dwarves) - I think making them taller and a little heartier (less fat) would give the model a very different work.

All in all, great work on the post!


This thread seems outdated. I’m going to put some proper themed music to see if my fellows Wildhammer rise his weapons.


I wholeheartedly support the idea of the Celtic inspired Wildhammer Dwarf Allied Race.
Maybe give them some celtic based tattoos that have meaning behind them as well as put leather scraps with feathers in the beard and hair.
Base them on the rpg with them being slightly taller and leaner than their brothers as well as maybe giving some unique hairstyles and facial hairs.
For classes I could see them being Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Shaman, Monk and Druid (Would be interesting to introduce a Dwarf Allied race with Druidism as well as it would bring a second druid allied race to the Alliance.)

I made a discord for Wildhammer Dwarves and the other two clans of the three hammers if anyone wants to go there.


found this

really like the racials

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So were Dark Irons but they still got the whole AR treatment.

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And their Horde equivalent: Allied Race: Dragonmaw Orcs

I preferred Fel Orcs (or Red Orcs), for my are better.

They make less sense, though. Might have been an option during Legion to give an alternate Demon Hunter race, with Broken opposite, but that opportunity has passed.

Still haven’t forgotten the shootgun wedding in twilight highlands ,now that’s my type of folks. Blizzard please ,let us have this allied race.